Sleeping as Art

I find my self in the gray area with this discussion topic. I do find pictures of sleep or brief slides/ motion pictures of sleep as beautiful. However long movies such as Andy Warhol’s “Sleep” and Tilda Swinton’s sleep exhibit I may view as monotonous. Paying to see an individual sleep is absolutely outrageous in my opinion, considering a majority of individuals who may watch her exhibit have a great chance of falling asleep. If Swinton’s exhibit may seem boring to some individuals, however the unique idea of publicly displaying her sleeping patterns intrigued many individuals. It may look easy to some however, Swinton should be commended for her patience and determination to make it look so easy. As I stated before sleep can appear beautiful for example in; pictures, briefly in movies, or music videos. If it is documented for long periods of time it can become dull.

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