Lynsey Addario, A Woman Photographer on the Front Lines

Having friends and family members in the military I may have a biased opinion on the matter.  As pointed out in the article, war is changing, the front line is changing, women are there and they’re getting shot at so they should be acknowledged and thanked for it.  I am completely for that law being lifted; however I do not believe that women should be sent to the front lines to execute the same jobs as men.  Maybe some, but not all.  Women are made up differently than men; we have certain hygienic occurrences that hold us back from going on missions for extended periods of time.  A lot of women can endure the physicality of it all just like a lot of woman cant.  If a female photographer can hold her weight and keep up with the military when they go on missions, she should be allowed to do so, but let it be known that they are not doing the same job as the soldiers nor are they carrying the same amount of equipment with them.  Yes, it is dangerous for woman photographers, journalists, and soldiers to be in war zones.  If they are captured, they can be tortured, raped, and beaten, but this can also happen to men.  Either way, there is a sense of women being more fragile than men and this is why there is so much debate on the issue.

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