LESSON 06: Section and Elevation of a Two-story House


Building sections are important when describing the construction of buildings. They show the floor-to-floor height differences, floor construction, and stair configurations. Heretofore, students have been given existing elevations which they can measure and draft and derived the plan and sections. In this exercise students will start with a plan of a simple house and determine the sections and elevations. Given a plan of a simple house, students will investigate how to interpret the information given and translate it into a section and an elevation.
Students will also be introduced to concepts of graphic representation in relation to intention and desired information they wish to communicate. Students observe, analyze, and discuss the difference between construction drawings and design drawings.

Design Drawings
There are many ways to represent a design using the various modes of representation we have discussed in the first weeks of this course. Presentation drawings express the design intent of the architect through plans, sections, elevations, models, axonometrics, isometrics, and perspectives. These drawings should be easy to read and should clearly communicate your idea to the audience such as a design jury or a client. EXAMPLES

Construction Drawings
Construction drawings are used communicate technical information the builder or to the consulting engineers. Referred to as construction documents, contract documents, or working drawings, these drawings show all placement every element in the design, all dimensions, construction notes, and all details for the contractor. When completed these drawings become the bid sets on which the contractors will fix their prices. Construction drawings are the “blueprint” from which the building is built. EXAMPLES

Class Schedule
Demonstration: From plan to section
Lab: Examine the plan drawing given and understand the notations on it. Begin then to construct the section and elevation from the plan