Time Management

A couple of suggestions to everyone about improving time management

  • Start a daily log or diary in a notebook you carry with you.  Be an observer.  First use this as a way to track what you do as it happens.  When you write things in include the date and  a start and end time.  Keeping track of your activities will help you to estimate how long tasks will take in the future.
  • Fill out the weekly schedule template for yourself in more detail.
  • For each class you take figure out when during each week you will spend time
    • Reviewing & Summarizing (works well shortly after class)
    • Study for texts (best for this to happen two night before and then a quick review the night before)
    • Work on assignment
    • Complete Reading (can you do this on the subway?)
    • Put other important weekly tasks and responsibilities down and don’t forget to sleep and eat!
  • Assignments can be overwhelming if you look only at the entire assignment.  Break it down into smaller sub-tasks that you can tackle one at a time.
  • If you have only a short amount of time available look at your task lists (big or small) and ask yourself “What can I finish in this small amount of time?”  It can help to bring some items to a close so you have less on your plate.
  • On a daily and weekly basis write out a set of tasks you need to complete – what will you do today?  What are your goals for the week?  Write these in your notebook and cross them off the list as they are complete.  It feels good to know you have accomplished something.   (can you do this if you have a seat on the subway?)
  • At the beginning of the week plot our the tasks and deadlines you need to meet.
  • At the end of the week take note of what you have completed.
  • Always look ahead at the day the week and the next two weeks and make adjustments as you need to.
  • Don’t get frustrated if you cannot stick to your plan – it takes time to be better at it so be patient with yourself – things will get better.
  • At the end of the day – cleanup!
    • Cleanup your work area, pack for the next day in advance so you can get out quickly and be on time.
    • Write out an updated lists of tasks for the next day.

If you need my help to work on this come see me during my office hours.

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