Author Archives: Waldy Lopez Hernandez
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Waldy Lopez Hernandez
By Diane Figueroa
He decided to study architecture because it is something that has always caught his attention since he was a child. He also likes to Influence and contribute to others, and he believes he can do so by working in this field. He considers that one of his strengths is that heĀ can learn things pretty fast because he puts a lot of effort into them. One thing that he would like to improve is expressing his ideas to others in an organized way when he’s talking to a big group of people.
Welkis Quezada
By Waldy Lopez Hernandez
Welkis Quezada does not have a very specific reason about why he likes architecture. He just liked to draw when he was a kid, and that interest in drawing stayed as he grew up. That’s why he chose architecture. Welkis is overall good at everything and what he would like to improveĀ would be public formal speaking and procrastinating in particular. He would like to improve even more on getting stuff done on time.
Nevnihal Durhan
By Welkis Quezada
Nevnihal chose architecture because she was always interested in art and music and she thinks architecture relates to both in some ways. She loves drawing and sketching, and She thinks as a major architecture is the best for her. HerĀ strength is model makingĀ and herĀ weakness is computer skills. She would like to improve herĀ computer skills and also time management.
Diane Figueroa
By Ngawang Tseten
She chose Architecture because she likes to see how things are built from the inside out and viceversa. It also runs in her family and she wanted to be the first female to go into this field. A strength of her is that she likes to be organized. A weakness of her is that she is not graphically good a representing her ideas. She plans on improving the skills she contains now and mastering those that trouble her.
Ngawang Tseten
By Nevnihal Durhan
Ngawang wants to be an architect because he had always felt more comfortable doing visual art in elementary student and in high school. Majoring in any field unrelated to the visual field just doesn’t make sense to him. His one major weakness is that he is extremely lazy, and though he wants to improve on his work habits, eating seems to be a more important concern for him to improve up on: he gets distracted by thoughts of food and this happens often, and so it creates a time consuming distraction in his schedules. Lastly, Ngawangās one major strength is that he is a visual thinker and is able to grasp visual information quickly.
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