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- Floor Plan – (pick only floor)
- Show the following
- Interior Walls
- Interior Doors
- Room Labels (Remember to define the room first)
- Door Tags
- Make sure the layout is roughly correct and we will finalize dimensions in next class
- Wall Type Detail (create one to begin with)
- 1 Layer 5/8″ Firecode GYP Wall Board on each side of 3 5/8″ Metal Stud Frame
- The detail should have 4 views – in order from top to bottom
- Top (Section)
- Ceiling (Section)
- Plan (Plan View)
- Base (Section)
- Add notes and annotation
- Add Detail items for studs, GWB, etc.
- We will eventually create at least the following
- Unrated Interior Partition
- 1 Hour Rated Interior Partition
- 2 Hour Rated Interior Partition
- Shaft Wall
- Chase Wall
- Post your revit file and a pdf before next class – by midnight