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7 Responses to ADA

  1. Devin Samaroo says:

    The presentation was successful by covering all the major spaces that will be placed in our project and all the diagrams were accurate with the dimension makes the work easy to interpret.

  2. jasonng903 says:

    This presentation has included all the minimum requirement dimension for different part of the building, which are very important and useful for this project as well as other design project. Thank you!

  3. Don says:

    Thank you for your presentation.What kinds of other amenities or guidelines are their beside the ones available for disabled persons in wheelchairs , such as the legally blind.

  4. Alondra says:

    I really enjoyed the clear dimensions that your diagrams showed. I was always concerned with the spaces for people with disabilities but I never took into account the height of simple things like doorknobs or even sinks. Your diagrams were a really good introduction for me in the point.

  5. elli says:

    This presentation was very informative but I found that reading the slides was difficult because it was a lot of text. However I am glad they are posted, the information is really helpful. Good research.

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