Gallery Trip Peter Conquet

The first show entitled The Chinese Photo book showcased early printing about China from tourist and people who lived there. A lot of the books were decorated around the pictures or hand painted to be in color. The books display China’s heritage and how the culture has had many twist and turns depending on who is looking at it. The many photographers used for the exhibit convey 2 overall points of view. The first is China to the outside person. It is beautiful and exotic to them you see a lot of beautiful landscapes and people. The other is actual people who live in China’s take on China. You see a lot more destruction and pictures of their leader. I feel the pictures that were taken by the people who live in china are as if they were taking them without anyone knowing. China couldn’t publish photo books independently so people who took these photos knew that this had to eventually be seen somehow.

The second show featured photographs by Jimmy Nelson. These photos showcased tribes and other groups of people who live in remote areas. They are no where close to civilization and everyday they find a way to survive. They were beautiful pictures of these people in their natural environment. All of the pictures are from the frontal view. No dynamic angles were used to make the picture seem more interesting because they were already interesting as they were. The use of color and space help to make these photos very appealing. Jimmy Nelson’s pictures convey beauty and get his point across well. His point is that even though these people live in complete isolation, they are still beautiful people.

The final show we saw was entitled The Public Eye. The show showcased different public views of some places. One photographer took photos from the view of surveillance cameras. Another took photos pf his neighbors. The one I enjoyed the most were of the military bases from overhead. These photos are available on public domains but the point of them was to look at the government the way they look at us. A kind of so this is how it feels to be spied upon feel is given to these pictures. The point of the exhibit was very clear as its to how people see us in the public eye. Doesn’t matter if its surveillance cameras or Google earth. All the examples in the exhibit contributed to the point of the exhibit very well.

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