Pyogenic Granuloma
Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is an acquired vascular lesion of the skin and mucous membranes common to the pediatric age group. PG appears as a solitary red nodule on the head or neck. The nodule is prone to hemorrhage, and bleeding is often refractory to pressure. The etiology of PG is unknown, but proposed agents include trauma, infection, and preceding dermatoses. Several surgical treatments are available with variable cosmetic results and recurrence rates.
27 yr old male, no significant findings were found EO/IO. However, his oral hygiene was very poor. He presented with huge amount of accumulated plaque and generalized 5-7 mm PD. Arestin was also applied and it helped decrease the pocket depths. SRP was performed and the pt was referred out for oral surgeon.
Soda&Dental Caries
22 yr old, white male, consumes about 12-15 cans of soda/day
Geographic Tongue: A condition that causes harmless tongue patches resembling smooth, red islands.
55 yr old white male, works in a bakery his entire life and that what caused the erosion (pt stated)
55 yrs old white male, Heavy Smoker (1pck/day), no oral hygiene at all, presented with heavy stains and stated he had 2 molars extrated due to high caries. SRP and Air polish performed. Smoking cessation and connection with the overall health was stressed with pt.
30 yr old, never had dental home or any oral care. Pt had huge amount of plaque and subgingival calculus that required good OHI&SRP.