Terms of Typeface

Some terms of typeface

Some terms of typeface

Some terms of Typeface 

Typeface: The letters, numbers, and symbols that make up a design of type. A typeface is often part of a type family of coordinated designs.

1- Serif: Small decorative strokes that are added to the end of a letter’s main strokes. Serifs improve readability by leading the eye along the line of type.

2-LigatureTwo or more letters tied together into a single letter.

3-AscenderThe part of lowercase letters (such as k, b, and d) that ascends above the x-height of the other lowercase letters in a face.

4-DescenderThe part of lowercase letters (such as y, p, and q) that descends below the baseline of the other lowercase letters in a font face.

5-BaselineThe imaginary line on which the majority of the characters in a typeface rest.

6-x-heightTraditionally, x-height is the height of the lowercase letter x. It is also the height of the body of lowercase letters in a font, excluding the ascenders and descenders.

7-Sans serif:  A type face that does not have serifs. Generally a low-contrast design. Sans serif faces lend a clean, simple appearance to documents.

8-CaplineThe imaginary line which represents the uppermost part of capital letters and some character’s ascenders. A line marking the height of uppercase letters within a font.

9-CounterThe enclosed (or partially enclosed) space within letters such as ‘c,’ ‘e,’ S,’ ‘H,’ and ‘g.’ Often confused with “bowl.”

10-Meanline: The line on which the top parts of most of the lowercase letters set (not the ascenders).The top (imaginary) point of all lowercase characters without ascenders.


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