3 thoughts on “Week Six

  1. I actually did a paper on this for I/O Psychology class (it was more a paper+powerpoint presentation), a couple semesters ago, and also did a final-paper-speech (also a speech+powerpoint presentation) for my Speech class as well. It’s an interesting topic. Stress can have so much effect on the body, and it can be too the extent that it causes fatal conditions/diseases to the body as a byproduct of stress (the negative ones anyway). I couldn’t really say I learned anything new on this topic, besides more terminology, but the general idea and concepts/proven research are still pretty much the same, the last time I researched it for my papers. But regardless, it was a refreshing reminder.
    The LiveWell program also talks about this briefly and surveys how one manages it (spoilers, sorry).

  2. Personally, the most important, when it comes to stress is your response to it. The mind is a powerful thing and has a lot to deal with. Whatever it”s been fed, that is what it is going to process, and if you’re not mentally equipped to balance any reaction (positive or negative) produced, then the end result(s), again (positive or negative) can only be either good or bad responses on the outside or inside of you – which would eventually harm or put your health in jeopardy

  3. Stress can affect everyone depending where you are for example noises in the city, the amount of work you need to finish on time, etc. there are two types of stress one of them is called Distress which is negative stress that can cause depressive illness and impermanent of aging, while Eustress is a positive stress that gives fulfillment and happiness. Our body knows how to respond when it faces a stress, for example during the “fight or flight” response blood from our skin and organs travel to our brain and large muscles to prepare to fight the danger, or flee.

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