Chapter 6&7 Summary

A restaurant is a place to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends and to restore energy. The word restaurant comes from the french word, meaning to restore. Classical cuisine is based of french cuisine, and North America gained its culinary legacy from France. There are five main sauces for classical cuisine which are: Bechamel, Veloute, Espagnole, tomato, and hollandaise. Nouvelle cuisine is a lighter cuisine using more natural flavors with simpler preparations. Six skill areas that are necessary to become a successful chef are: cooking, menu development, sanitation and safety, accounting, computer training, food trends and practices. Working in the hospitality industry requires teamwork. There are things necessary to develop a restaurant: operating philosophy, market, concepts, location, and ambiance. Classification of restaurants include: main categories (independent and chain restaurants), and other categories such as fine dining, quick service, ethnic, family, dinner house, occasion, and casual.


In today’s restaurant, there is a hierarchy. Front of the house includes anyone with guest contact from the hostess to the bus person. Restaurant forecasting is formulating a budget that projects sales and costs a year on a weekly and monthly basis. When it comes to service today, quality is more important to american diners. Types of restaurant service are: american service and suggestive selling.


FOH systems:

  • Point of Sales
  • Kitchen display systems
  • Guest services solutions

BOH systems:

  • Wireless POS system
  • Labor management
  • Financial reporting
  • Personal digital assistants

Food production is based on the expected volume of business. In a kitchen, staffing and scheduling are very important; as well as training and development. Production procedures relates directly to the recipes on the menu and amount of product on hand to produce the menu. Production sheets.

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12 Responses to Chapter 6&7 Summary

  1. Fyaad Nazim says:

    Fyaad Nazim
    Chapter 6
    Prof. A

    Restaurants a place where we go to relax and enjoy with family and friends. The word restaurant is a french term meaning restore. The chef is who runs the restaurant and requires management skills, cooking skills and a strong culinary foundation. To be a good cook you have to understand all techniques and understand that it can’t be done alone. A restaurant needs to be run with a philosophy which represents the way a company does business. If it’s at a good location it will have a good market share. Restaurant ambiance is the effect it has on guest which can help attract or lost many customers. Restaurants are the worse when it comes to an environmental level because it provides so much waste each day. Each restaurant is classified and falls into a category. When it comes to places to eat there’s a huge variety such as fine dining, celebrity, ethnic or even family restaurants. What this industry loves more then anything is quick service and fast food. Fast foods including pizza, burgers, chicken, etc. Mcdonald’s is the largest fast food industry located in about 117 countries. Just like us who doesn’t like fast food that’s why it’s so trending today.

    Chapter 7
    Anyone that you come in contact with is consider the front of the house. The front of the house is basically the first impression of what guest will have in the hotel. When it comes to dining and restaurants, the quality is what seperates your restaurant to other competition. American service is what you see on the daily where food is placed on a plate and comes from a kitchen straight to you. While doing this suggestive selling is a strategy for employees to know to help gain profit. Both the front and back of the house restaurant system uses the POS system. The size of the restaurant and equipment estimates everything that will be needed or the amount of customers that will attend. Training your staff and having them have a proper understanding is important due to a high turnover rate. The manager should know what’s going on in the back of the house and the more time spent in the kitchen the more beneficial it is for everybody. Employees should be rewarded as needed to keep a positive vibe. (FIFO) meaning first in first out is a good strategy towards the use of your products. Whats first bought should be first used. Operating ratios shows how each and everything will be charged. Many restaurants now are suggesting recycling, although it’s dirty it saves a lot on the budget and who wouldn’t want that.

  2. Bryan Caba says:

    Chapter 6:
    The purpose of going to a restaurant is to relax and enjoy your food with your friends and family. The head chef is required to have cooking skills, management skills and a strong culinary background. Restaurant means restore to the French.
    To be a good chef , you must understand the food you’re preparing and try to have a connection with food. Location is important because different locations have different types of people with different interests of food.Surprisenly McDonald’s is one of the largest food corporation in the world due to the fact that it’s in at least 117 countries.

    Chapter 7:
    In the front of the house you must treat guest with respect and make them feel welcome. Quality is very important to American diners because fine dining is very desirable and not everywhere . The POS system is used by the front and back of the house. Training your employees correctly can lead to an increasing rate. FIFO or food in food out can help you prevent rotten food because you’ll know what food products are old but still useful and food products that are fresh .

  3. Chris Raghubir
    Chapter 6 & 7 Summary

    Restaurants offer the possibility of excellent food and social interaction. In general, restaurants strive to exceed an operating viewpoint that includes quality food, good value, and polite service. To succeed, a restaurant needs the right location, food, atmosphere, and service to attract a substantial market. The concept of a restaurant has to fit the market it is trying to attract. The location of a restaurant has to match factors such as convenience, neighborhood, parking, visibility, and demographics. Typical types of locations are downtown, suburban, shopping mall, cluster, or standalone. The menu and pricing of a restaurant must match the market the restaurant wants to attract, the capabilities of the cooks, and the existing kitchen equipment. The main categories of restaurants are independent and chain. Further distinctions can be made as follows: fine dining, casual dining and dinner house, family, ethnic, and quick service/fast-food. In general, most restaurants fall into more than one category.

    The kitchen layout is designed according to the sales forecasted. Good service is very important. In addition to taking orders, servers act as salespersons for the restaurant. The front of the house deals with the part of the restaurant having direct contact with guests, in other words, what the guests see is grounds maintenance, hosts/hostesses,
    dining and bar areas, bartenders, bussers, and so on. The back of the house is generally run by the foodservice/kitchen manager, and refers to those functional areas and tasks
    with which guests, usually do not come in contact. This includes purchasing, receiving,
    storing/issuing, food production, stewarding, budgeting, accounting, and control.

  4. Yanibel Medina
    Prof. Akana
    Perspective in Hospitality Management

    Chapter 6&7

    The word restaurant comes from the French word restore. Is a multi-billion dollar business employing 12.8 million people. North America gained its culinary legacy from France. Mari-Antoine Careme is the founder of classical cuisine. There’s 5 mother sauce’s, Béchamel, Espagnole, Tomato, Hollandaise, and Velote. There’s 5 steps to developing a restaurant. The locations is one of the most important part of a restaurant. The menu is the key to a restaurant’s success. There’s two categories, independent and chain restaurants. Family restaurants evolved from coffee shops and most offer a simple menu and service to please all the family.

    A restaurant is run by a general manager. Depending on the size, there may be more general manager with other responsibilities. The hostess is responsible for greeting the guests. There’s 7 steps to table service. Guest counts is the number of guest patronizing the restaurant over a given time period (chapter 7). The average guest check is calculated by dividing total sales by the number of guest. American service is food is placed onto places in kitchen, taken out to the dining room and served to guests. The front of the restaurant is responsible for point of sale systems, kitchen display systems, guest services solutions. The back of the restaurant is responsible for wireless POS system, labor management, financial reporting, and personal digital assistants.

  5. Chrest Laza says:

    Chrest Laza

    Chapter 6

    The restaurant business is a business which brings happiness to others. Brings people together to have a meal, talk, enjoy, relax with others over a nice meal. On average, we spend about 48% of our food money at these restaurants (which feels like way more). But to have a restaurant you must have a chef, but a chef he one has a lot of knowledge in the kitchen but can also teach the right way to his cooks. The chef has to have knowledge on sanitation, menu making, cooking and how to make new foods to impress new crowds. But besides that, the owners must have smart plans before opening up a restaurant, such as location, what type of service will they be providing, is there a certain restaurant like this in the area, rent. You have to have a nice menu that makes people talk about how good the food is to others. Also the atmosphere of the restaurant is there something that catches the people’s eyes that makes them take pictures. There’s many options of restaurants such as, family restaurants, steak house, fast food just to name a few, as an owner you must have these in mind before opening up a restaurant.

    Chapter 7

    In a restaurant, there’s a lot of jobs. They are titled by front of the house these are the people you are interacting with throughout your dining experience. Front of house are the hostess who are welcoming you into the establishment, walking you to your table, and at the end of your night giving you the final goodbye. Then you have your waiter who will be checking up on you asking if all is good they will suggest certain items Back of the house is the cook’s chefs dishwashers. The ones making sure your meal is great and the silverware you are using are clean. Service is very important now a days because if it isn’t most likely guest wont walk in again. FOH must know to take care of guest ring up all food items on the POS system, hostess must know the table lay outs and tell guest they must wat but they can have a seat at the bar. BOH must make sure the product they are giving is good, make sure prep is done before service. Aswell as behind the scene doing schedules and getting orders in for the next night. Also be on top of the newest food item being used. And try to sell it with making more profit. Theres a lot that gets done.

  6. Karasudani says:

    Chapters 6 and 7 Summary
    Kazuyoshi Karasudani

    Chapter 6

    A restaurant is a place to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends, and to restore energy. The restaurant business is a multi-billion dollar industry employing 12.8 million people.
    Throughout the restaurant industry, there are five “mother” sauces: Béchamel, Voloute, Espagnole, tomato, and hollandaise. Nouvelle cuisine is a lighter cuisine and is based on simpler preparations using more natural flavors and ingredients. Chefs will need a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skills, strong employability traits, and additional management skills. To become a good cook, the most important skill is team effort. A restaurant business with excellent location, food, atmosphere and service is going to receive a good market share and make a good return on investment. Rent/lease costs should be between 5-8 percent of sales. Utility costs are a big line item for restaurants, accounting for a median of between 2.3-3.6% of sales. Individual restaurants typically have one or more owners who are usually involved in the day-to-day operation of the business. On the other hand, chain restaurants comprise a group of restaurants, each identical in market, concept, service, food and name.

    Chapter 7

    Front of the House includes anyone with guest contact from the hostess to the bus person. All managers should be cross-trained to relive each other, when necessary. There are seven steps of table service: greeting guests, introducing and suggestively selling beverages, suggesting appetizers, taking orders, checking back after two bites, selling another drink, selling dessert and, finally, suggesting after-dinner drinks. Forecasting restaurant sales is comprised of two components: (1) guest counts or covers and (2) the average guest check. Point-of-sale systems are used to track food and beverage charges and other retail charges that may occur at a hotel or restaurant electronically.

  7. robin says:

    Robin Singh
    Prof. Akana
    Chapter 6 & 7 summary

    Restaurants are built to offer amazing food and social interaction for people. Every restaurant has a goal which is to be successful and hold value for something unique and special. However, for a restaurant to be successful, hard work, creativity and good qualities are needed. One of the most important thing for the restaurant to be successful is the that the restaurant must be in the right location. By right location, I mean that the restaurant must be around a place where it’s a busy area, lots of people and a where lots of people work. More keys to success and high earnings for a restaurant are quality of food, hours of services, size of the restaurant, respect, patience, housekeeping and the prices. When people come to eat, the thing they will look at is whether the restaurant is clean or not. If the restaurant looks dirty, most likely the customers will not return. Also, the prices should be reasonable depending on the taste of the food and the services being provided because if the services are not that great along with the food and the prices are high, it would not make sense for the customers to come back. Therefore, the prices should depend on taste of the food and the services that are provided to the customers.

  8. Lisa Torres says:

    Lisa Torres
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Akana
    Chapter 6&7 summary

    The word restaurant coming from the French word restore is a place where people go to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends to restore their energy. As a society we spend 47.5% of our food dollars outside of ones home. Restaurants are a multi-billion dollar business employing 12.8 million people. 2 main events and 2 main people was what brought the restaurant business up. The 2 main events were the French Revolution when French chefs lost their jobs due to their bosses losing their heads. This caused them to come to North America. The second main event was when Thomas Jefferson spent five years to envoy to France, and brought a French chef to the White House when he became president. The 2 main people who contributed to the restaurant business were Mari-Antoine Carême who was credited as the founder of classical cuisine, and August Escoffier who was noted for all his contributions to cuisine. There are five mother sauces: Béchamel, Velouté, Espagnole, Tomato, and Hollandaise. To be a good cook, one must understand the basic techniques and principles of cooking. There are six skill areas that are important to becoming a successful chef: cooking, menu development, sanitation/safety, accounting, computer training, food trends and practices for the new millennium. It’s something that one person can’t do alone. Some restaurants may fall into more than one category. For instance, a restaurant can be both ethnic and quick service, such as Taco Bell. There are many different types of restaurants.

    Front of the House includes anyone with guest contact from the hostess to the bus person. The hostess, host, or greeter is responsible for greeting the guests and the rotation of arriving guests among sections or stations. Seven steps of table service:
    Greet guests
    Introduce and suggestively sell beverages
    Suggest appetizers
    Take orders
    Check back after two bites
    Sell another drink
    Sell dessert and suggest after dinner drinks
    Today, quality is more important to American diners.

  9. Moonchen says:

    Chapter 6
    Restaurant business has a big market in the society, because we spend 47% of our food dollars away from home, about 12.8 million people are employed by food businesses in the US. Classical cuisine was originally from France, Mari-Antoine is credited as the founder and Augusut Escoffier made a big contribution to it too. There are six important key points to becoming a successful chef, including cooking, menu development, sanitation/safety, accounting, computer training, food trends and practice. There are five elements are explaining about it. Operating philosophy, concept, location, and ambiance. These are all important to know to know who are your guests and who are you expecting and what will satisfy your customers. Restaurants are classified by independent and chain restaurants. Restaurant categories include fine dining, quick service, ethic, family, dinner house, occasion, and casual, etc. Sustainable restaurants are the trends in restaurant business.

    Chapter 7
    A restaurant is run by a general manager and operated by back of house and front of house. The back of house is responsible for the kitchen, and the front of the house is responsible for the bar and dining room. There are 7 steps of table service. They are to greet the guests, introduce and suggest to sell beverage, suggest the appetizers, take order, check back to the guest, sell another drink and sell dessert and after dinner drinks. Restaurant forecasting is very important because this is for predicting the sales of the restaurant; general manager knows about the number sales of the restaurant will make then, and he will give the monthly or quarterly goal accurately to the restaurant by forecasting it. It is also used for the inventory control as well. There are two components of a restaurant forecasting, and they are guest counts and average guest checks. To ensure the front of office and back of office is operating with efficiency, both the front and back office has their own systems. Manager has to make sure the employee follow their system. Management should spend more time in the kitchen to gain more knowledge and confidence is acquired, and earns more respect too. The food cost and control process is a cycle starting with menu planning, forecasting, purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing, production, service, sales and finally food cost analysis. The main point of running a restaurant is to make a profit so budgeting is extremely important. The rent/lease payments are the fixed costs, and lease costs should both be more than 5%-8% of sales alterations. Variable costs are labor, benefit, operating, marketing and utility, etc. NRA has formulated food service manager’s jobs to form the human resource management, financial management, administrative management and operation management.

  10. yanira says:

    Restaurant, the word comes from the French word restore. The restaurant business is a multi-billion dollar industry and rightfully so when we consider that as consumers we spend more than 40% of our income in outside dining. To be a good chef in this industry you must not only have to have good culinary skills but you also need to poses great managerial skills. This profession consists of many different skills.
    Running a successful restaurant consist of many moving parts and it’s important to realize that it’s not a one person job but a team effort. You need a kitchen team, accounting team, managerial team etc. When considering opening a restaurant you need to understand that a lot of variables need to line up. Location, ambience, menu, service are a few of the many variables. Are you going to have a fine dining establishment or a casual one? Themed or family place? Quick service or seat in? Are you going to offer one course or many different ones? Again many different decisions have to be made. Are you going to go at it alone or are you bringing in a partner? Franchise or chain?
    You need to be award of all the trends in the business and keep it fresh. Innovative and cutting edge.

  11. Kaitlynn says:

    Kaitlynn Reyes
    HMGT 1101
    Prof. A

    Chapter 6 and 7

    In chapter it talks about what the restaurant is about. A restaurant is a place where people to relax and enjoy company of other people. Many people spend most of their time away from and in a restaurant. The word itself comes from the French word meaning restore. American gained most of their culinary legacy from the French because of the French Revolution because most of the chefs had to go fight. Marie Antoine was the founder of classical cuisine. To be a chef you will need a strong culinary foundation, multicultural cooking skill and additional management skills. You need to know all that goes into the business the chef is not only worried about the food but the safety, the costing, food trends etc. Most important is to have a team effort because you won’t be working alone. There are steps to developing a restaurant which is operating philosophy, market, concepts, location and ambiance. The philosophy is the heart of the owner. The average American meal has left a large carbon footprint. There are also different types of menus for example there are DU jour menus, A la carte menus etc. There are different types of restaurants for example there is a steak one, family, fast food etc. Some popular foods being told is hamburger, pizza, sandwiches etc.

    In Chapter 7 talks about the operations that go into the restaurant’s business. There is a front of the house which is ran by the general manager. There is also the hostess that work in the front and the bus person. There are kitchen managers, bar managers, and dining room manager. The front of the house takes care of the guests that walk into the business. Restaurant forecasting is very important because this is for predicting the sales of the restaurant.Manager has to make sure the employee follow their system. Management should spend more time in the kitchen to gain more knowledge and confidence is acquired, and earns more respect too.The food cost and control process is a cycle starting with menu planning, forecasting, purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing, production, service, sales and finally food cost analysis. (FIFO) meaning first in first out is a good strategy towards the use of your products.The business also recycles the products which helps save money for the business.

  12. Victoria Liao
    Professor John Akana
    HMGT 1101 D404
    November 1,2017

    Chapter 6 Summary
    Friends and family go to restaurants to enjoy the company of others and relax. The term “restaurant” comes from the French word which means restore. Mari-Antonine Careme is known as the founder of classical cuisine and August Escoffier is also for contributing to the different type of cuisine. Some qualities that are needed to be a good cook are to understand the basic techniques and principles of cooking. Menu planning is important because it plays a part in the success of the restaurant. There is a team of people that will help you when in the kitchen. In the restaurant business, you can find many different types of menus such as a la carte, table d’hote, du jour, tourist, and many others. Fine dining, family, casual, fast food are the different type of classifications of restaurants.

    Chapter 7 Summary
    Front of the house can include anyone with contact from the hostess to the bus person. A restaurant is usually run by a general or more depending on the size. In a restaurant, the hostess, host, or greeter or responsible for greeting the guests and arriving guests based on rotation. There are seven steps to providing great service. Some examples are greeting the guests, introduce and sell suggested beverages, suggest appetizers, taking orders and check back after two bites, selling a different drink, selling dessert and suggesting drinks after dinner. American service is used in the United States, Canada, and many different parts of the world. POS, kitchen display, guest services solutions are systems used for front of the house. Wireless POS systems, labor management, financial reporting, and personal digital systems are used in back of the house.

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