photograph from: https://dribbble.com/tags/finish
We are very close to the end of the semester and internship, aka the finish line. I think I’ve come a long way and learned a lot about what I enjoy doing and what I wanna do in the future. Like I said in my previous post I’ll be graduating this semester and I plan to stay with the organization I’m interning with. I’ll also be starting my own art business online after I graduate. I’ll be selling stickers, prints, and pins just to start off with. Being so close to the end can be super scary because everything is uncertain but you just have to remind yourself to take things day by day and that always helps me.
I also think, even though slightly scary, that it can be exciting getting so close to the end. You’ll get to look back on what you’ve accomplished and be proud of yourself, while also seeing what you can approve upon. Working with this organization made me realize I enjoy designing a lot more than I thought I did and I’m pretty okay at it too. Almost everything I designed for the company I will be putting into my graphic design portfolio. I’ll also be making sure it’s mostly book layouts and magazine pages so that if I ever do get a chance to show it to someone they’ll know what they can hire me for.
I have reached 120 hours of my internship this week and I’ll be staying with them until the end of the semester because I enjoy working there and the people are nice. I think this semester was a bit of a challenge at first but I found my footing and I’ll be able to cross that finish line soon!