I am really enjoying working at this internship and have learned a lot about my design capabilities since starting. Each week I have been able to practice the skills most important to me for my future career. I feel confident this internship is leading me in a good direction to work in the advertising industry after graduating.
Category: Internship
Internship Week 4: Day 3
We finally had the actual photoshoot day for the brand and everything went as planned. I assisted with taking behind the scenes footage and keeping the photographer on track with which planned shots to capture. Then we went to a camera store to get the film photos developed.
Internship Week 4: Day 2
Today I continued creative directing the brand’s photoshoot by going out to scout the exact outdoor location where we wanted the photos to be captured. Then we confirmed with the address and date with the selected models. Lastly, finalized which the garments are to be promoted in the advertisements we will create from the photoshoot.
Internship Week 4: Day 1
Back when the internship began, I had pitched a concept for the brand’s next photoshoot. This Monday I was able to begin bringing the concept to life by having my presentation deck about it reviewed with the photographer. Next we created a detailed plan of executing the photos, including choosing models and location aesthetics.
Internship Week 3
I have now completed 84 hours of this internship. This week I was assigned to design a custom typeface. The style is supposed to resemble a varsity script on letterman jackets. After finding references for the style, I began sketching drafts of the potential typeface.
Internship Week 2
For my second week as an intern, I continued to work on designing five email newsletters for customers who subscribe, after doing further design research towards the task. Then I helped cut fabric to prepare tops that will be featured soon in an upcoming photoshoot, that we will use to create more advertising content for the brand.
Internship Week 1
This was the first week of my internship working for the clothing brand Srousseau. My initial task was to make a logo in variations of primary and secondary colors. Then I was asked to design email content for the brand’s newsletter to email subscribers. The second task was familiar to me because I had an assignment just like that in my Advertising Portfolio course last semester.
(Blog originally posted on June 11, 2022 on course page) https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/comd-4900-ol90-1445-summer-2022/2022/06/11/alaynas-blog-internship-week-1/