Self Analysis

Agnieszka Harasim’s Learning Self-Analysis for Baccalaureate Degree Program in Nursing
My experience at the New York City Collage of Technology has provided me with excellent opportunity to best utilize my skills while contributing to the health community, patients, and their families. I have molded my skills in order to meet my clinical objectives and simultaneously achieve my goal of becoming a better nurse. The aim of this reflection is to self-evaluate the performance of the tasks required to successfully complete the program.
Objective 1: Demonstrate Individual professionalism through personal behavior and appearance.
As a nursing student, I was highly motivated during the program to carry out academic and clinical tasks with a good ability to handle even the most challenging situations. I tried to demonstrate a strong professional commitment to my nursing education and deliver safe nursing care for my assigned clients. Maintaining client’s confidentiality as according to HIPAA standards was my bigger priority. I attended to the clinical punctually 8:30am-12:30pm always fallowed with the school policy and I dressed professionally. Being responsible for my own learning by reading required texts books, blogging about clinical experience and preparing research for clinical learning facilitated appropriate encoding clinical guidance.
Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.
Each patient is a unique individual therefore I approached each of them individually with specifically tailored interview, assessment, plan and implementation. During the assessment, subjective and objective data was collected in order to identify patient specific self-care needs. I prioritized client care base on analysis of data and demonstrated a strong commitment to deliver safe nursing care for assessed individual in the timely manner. I summarize impression of patient progress toward outcome and usually patient verbalized optimistic and hopeful attitude, which is very rewarding for the nurse who care. I utilized principles of personal safety when I worked in the clinical settings.
Objective 3: Effective Communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.
Effective communication in the community settings is vital to a patient and families health care. In New York City which is the most culturally diverse place in the United States hospitals identified many challenges related to culturally diverse population. In addition, many hospitals admit as extremely challenging finding linguistically competent personnel that would encounter these challenges. Because of the importance of patient’s safety, provision of language services is use with a patient consent. However, to obtain this agreement sometimes family member or relative can be used as an interpreter. This issue is still working progress and is not wildly available and is exclusively limited to only few languages. Such as Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin. I communicate clearly and effectively with clinical instructor, peers and health care team that I have worked with this semester. In addition I reported and documented assessment and nursing intervention accurately after each clinical.
Objective 4: Establish environment conductive to learning and use a plan for learners base on evidence-based practice.
Before I develop and implement my diabetic teaching plan I utilized an broad research in nursing literature. The goal of successful management of diabetes is to keep glucose in a near normal range to avoid complication. I keep in mind that although people with diabetes spend plenty of time learning about the disease sometimes it is too much information that is discouraging and ineffective. An effective teaching method is leading the patient into an understanding of the disease medication regimen, nutrition and lifestyle changes. During the interview and while teaching is implemented it is very important that nurse will monitor the patient’s emotional state in order to promote a stress-free environment that facilitates a more successful behavioral outcome objectives and teaching.
Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.
I maintained strict confidentiality of the client records while I accessed medical information stored in the hospital computer system. Patient information was only access if it was necessary, I always log off after I retrieved my data and I have not used patient’s full name for any purpose, initials only. My understanding is that nurses as health professionals who regularly used confidential medical records while working with the client should adhere to the standards, policies and laws which protect the client’s medical records.
Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development.
Challenging opportunity is being created by high standards that demand and push nurses to continue their education in order to demonstrate excellent skills. Thus, hospitals today require nurses to stand into the future and obtain at least 4 year baccalaureate degree before start working at the field. I think this is a great idea because study has found lower mortality rate in the hospitals when nurses have high education. Moreover, these nurses expressed more positive job experience and safe environment to the personnel and patient. I am committed to adjust to the challenge for lifelong learning which will help me to develop and grow in today’s comparative world. Cross-training has been used as a recruitment strategy by many hospitals to increase productivity and prevent nursing shortage. Retraining empowers a nurse to gain knowledge outside of the area of her specialty as well as personal long term development. Before creating a care plan for client I use appropriate and current literature which is based on valuable research and proved by evidence-base practice.
Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice
I demonstrate strong professional commitment into my nursing education and I had delivered safe nursing care consisted with the American Nurses Association Standards in clinical practice. All activates that have been done by me were authorized and supervised by my clinical instructor. I was highly conscientious during this time and I had high standards for myself and others. I am confident that I make a positive contribution for this institution.
Objective 8: collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team.
I collaborated effectively with my classmates, clinical instructor and healthcare team in order to achieve an optimal success this semester. I have learned that client-center approach is significantly supportive for the patient success as well. It is very important to assist the client in obtaining items that are needed for glucose monitoring and insulin administering as this could also promote good diabetes control. Demonstration and instructional techniques could teach self monitoring and promotes self independence. In addition, I identify and provide available resources for my clients and I help to make connections with various agencies in the community.
Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.
Healthcare is transforming into a business with skyrocketed cost that has little to do with good quality of care. Overuse of an expensive procedure, poor quality of care and medical errors are the major factors which contribute to wasteful spending. Nurses can affect cost and quality by utilizing cost effective technique that improve productivity and reduce error before implementation. New technological innovations utilized in the clinical settings and work as one unit for everyone’s success could be revolutional method of working smarter rather than harder. Innovations such as wireless communication solution, wireless patient monitoring solution, real time location system, delivery robots, electronic medication administration with bar coding, workflow management system and finally electronic documentation with clinical decision support facilitate faster more convenient and much safer quality care. One of the solutions to reduce skyrocketing cost of health care delivery system is to involve directly patients and their families into health promotion and illness prevention services. Nurse must act as a change agent while advocating for appropriate care for her/his client. Therefore, building a strong partnership with recipient of health will result in mutual contentment.

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