
Short Response Answers 20% of your grade: You will respond to a writing prompt in the discussion board.  For your short responses, you should refer to the readings for that week.  Short answers are considered thoughtful responses to discussion questions.  They should be well-written and at least two paragraphs.

Midterm 25% of your grade: The midterm will cover the chapters we discussed thus far.  It will be multiple choice, fill in the blank, and true/false.

Final Exam 25% of your grade: The final exam will cover the chapters we discussed thus far.  It will be multiple choice, fill in the blank, and true/false.

Quizzes 15% of your grade: Quizzes will be administered to ensure that you are keeping up with the readings.  They will be random. It will be multiple choice, fill in the blank, and true/false.

Discussion Boards 15% of your grade: Discussion boards are a very important element of your grade. In the discussion boards, you will post and respond to at least 2 classmates.  Your post should show thoughtfulness (more than “I agree”), and should be written in clear, grammatically correct English.