Tag Archives: Maxima

Work Work Work Work Work… 🎧🎶🎶

…Playing in my headphones.

My head down. I have been examining photos all week, removing annoying blemishes, marks, wrinkles, and anything else that may be distracting. If the product looks good its more likely to be received well by buyers and trust is insured that the finished version will be up to par.

With a big week ahead, I am excited to get to the office. This week at Maxima Apparel, there are going to be at least 3 shoots, and I am guessing due to the holiday. With the work load backed up from the previous week, product fresh off the boats from china will need to be photographed as they are filtered down to the photo team. I will be managing inventory of the incoming product along side the marketing directors for each brand, including Justin, my supervisor and Brand Director for Black Pyramid, Chris Brown’s clothing line.

I’m constantly working on improving myself as a part of the team and as an individual. Having more responsibilities to handle day to day is attributing to that. My goal is to try to find the best work flow to make things as smooth as possible. I’m sure the Maixma employees may appreciate it but the CEO might be the most excited because organization within any company equals better time management, which equals better production, which equals more money in the long-run. He would definitely like that.

This is what it feels like…

…As I digress.


Hudson Outerwear Spring Collection 2016