Since I am done with my unpaid internship much sooner than expected, I still am doing work with the Dream Team. Throughout my time at the internship I have been communicating as much as possible with other team members giving feedback, asking questions and presenting my art work. Based on the self evaluation I received from my mentor Brian aka Shadow CCO and Mr. Tyler Adams I do agree I wished I had done a better job presenting my work much better in terms of cleaning it up and anatomy of the interior and exterior. While taking the internship I have to keep up with the blog posts from the internship class and taking Character Design COMD 3413, so of course my art work is going to suffer.

I am slow when it comes to getting assignments done and I am working on improving my time management skills. Since I am going to be graduating at the end of this semester I will have all the time to fix up my assignments. Going back to my previous post I want to be able to clean up my assignments as Background Artist to start doing Storyboards to put into my portfolio. Since Mr. Adams mentioned to me that around sometime next year the company would start doing paid stuff, he would most definitely want to keep me around and hopefully get paid!

Do I plan to go to graduate school after receiving my Bachelors? Maybe. But, after all the stress I’ve dealt with over the course of my 5 year journey at City Tech I might want to take my time honing my art skills more, learn how to live independently in this head-aching, cruel world we live in and most importantly, DE-STRESS! I definitely earned it! My mental and physical health has suffered BIG time and too much stress isn’t good for you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!