I setup a virtual one on one meeting with Mr. Adams, the recruiter who brought me onto this internship and his team, wondering how many hours I have worked so far and to get myself an evaluation. To my surprise Mr. Adams told me that I have worked over 144 hours and complemented me for my communication skills with him and the other members of whom are working on the same series as I am. Furthermore, he appreciated my dedication to the team because I really wanted to show that I am a worthy member to have and work at an animation studio. Onto the evaluation for myself: Mr. Adams did state the above that was mentioned. Also, just like with Shadow Mr. Adams wants me to work from reference and added that I clean them up a bit to make sure that my work is presentable.

Screen shot of post conversation with Mr. Adams.

Once the evaluation was over, I asked Mr. Adams if he could give me some tips on how to pitch my idea for a show to a network and he told me that I should have confidence and positivity and don’t make it too long, just get straight to the point. Another thing Mr. Adams told me is that he accepts ideas for series to be made only thing is all the members of his team are working on 5 other series (Beta Crystals included), so he doesn’t have much manpower to work on more ideas people pitch to him. I appreciate the offer, but I would like to try my luck with other networks such as Cartoon Network or Sesame Workshop because those were the two networks that I wanted to pitch my idea for an animated series to. If all else fails, then I might consider “Dream Arc Company”.  

I asked Mr. Adams, even though I achieved over 120 hours of my un-paid internship, if I can continue working on his team to gain some more experience and he gave me the thumbs up. He even mentioned that he would support me to make my dreams become reality because that was the whole reason he created “Dream Arc Company”, to help people like myself who want a career in animation to gain more experience in the industry so one day we would be ready to take flight and purse our endeavors at another animation studio. If things don’t work out Mr. Adams would welcome us back on his team because we are like family. I got teary eyed because I am so grateful for the support I’m getting, and my dreams are starting to become reality because this is the career I’ve yearned for since I was a kid. I will continue to work hard at “Dream Arc Company” once I gain enough experience in the animation industry to pitch my idea to a studio/network one day.

Before I go, I wanted to say that yes, I am technically doing free labor since I am wrapping up on my final year of City Tech, I am not ready to move onto a paid job yet. I still want to enhance my illustrations skills further. I didn’t mention this to Mr. Adams but, once in a while I have self-doubt and worry, I may not find a job that’s on my field of study because it’s difficult to get a job in that field. I WILL do the best I can and won’t let the self-doubt hinder my path on achieving my goals.