Anthony_Delbrun_Final_Internship Presentation
Wow. I can’t believe I am in December already and the year is almost over. Starting next week, it will be the last time I’ll be attending City Tech as a student. This is my final year of college and once my internship class is over, I now begin my own life. I want to take this moment to reminisce. I am not going to lie; I have been waiting for this moment of all my life, oh lord. Heh, I just made a song reference! But in all seriousness, I have overstayed my welcome.

I should have been finished last semester however due to one class (Foundation Drawing) that I took back in Spring 2018, it only offered two credits and that derailed my academic career. I attended City Tech 5 years ago (August 2017) and at the time there were offering classes that were two credits or more. Much has changed since then, different students and professors that have come and go, there used to be another building to attend classes (Midway Building) that no longer exists and the exterior/interior of the main building. I wish I could say the journey to reach this point was a cake walk. It was NOT.

There were classes I took that were so stressful I not only came close to failing them, but they made me cry. There were times I wanted to dropout and felt like the whole journey was pointless. I have heard many stories from past students who used to go here that told me college was a waste of their time and money, they worked so hard to get a job in their field of study and never found work which caused them to be depressed and so on and so forth. With encouragement from friends, family, professors, my idols and etc I found strength I never thought I had to keep pushing forward.

Here I am now about to cross the finish line! đ I enjoyed my journey here at City Tech and have many memories that will stick with me forever. If there is one thing I’ve learned while attending this college is that life is NOT easy. There will be moments where you come across an obstacle that will break you mentally. physically and emotionally, but it is how you handle the obstacles that will determine where you stand in life. If you are the type of person who throws in the towel quickly, life will be difficult for you. Although, if you have the right mindset and the right people in your inner circle, you are going to be victorious.
I am going to miss this college (preferably some of the professors and students I made as good friends) but I will NEVER forget the teachings it taught me. Vendi Vini Vinci – I came, I saw, I CONCURED! I AM the VICTOR!