Nothing But Clutter



Basement Room, Josue L. Pierre, March 23, 2014

This photo was taken at night in my basement. In the basement, we happen to have a room, but we only use it for clothing. So I took the opportunity to take a picture.  In this photo, the lighting is amazingly bright. I see a brown blanket on the right side with flower patterns on it. I see a laptop on top of it. There is nothing but cloths that takes up most of the photo. I also see loose leaf papers and paper towels. Taking up most of the bottom left corner is a book bag opened and full of books in it. And all of these objects are on top of whats left of a bed. The reason why this photo was taken was the lighting was able to get every single object inside the room, unlike other photos that were taken before. The main focus are all the things in there that had nothing to do with clothing. Because the room is meant only for cloths.

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One Response to Nothing But Clutter

  1. I approve of this photo. It is more interesting in the light. I hope it results in a good comparison.

    Prof. Scanlan

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