The 6’oclock crescent , 2014, Ciera Haigler


I took this photo on the evening of March 3, 2014, I was looking out my window from my apartment in Brooklyn, snapping pictures of people and inanimate objects, it was getting dark and I noticed the moon was impending from the sky and I found this scenery to be captivating. I truly admire the distinguishing contrast between the sky and the trees because the colors seem contradictory but converging and the clouds look almost artificial, as if they are purple.  I was adamant towards the inclusion of the street lighting because I figured it threw the picture off, but I later appreciated the paradox it established. The frame excludes the busy street below, by passers, and the park in which the trees descended from.

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One Response to The 6’oclock crescent , 2014, Ciera Haigler

  1. Sean Scanlan says:

    I approve of this photo. Very interesting.
    Prof. Scanlan

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