In The City

Mom In The City Son In The city

In the City, 2014 by Kariluz Suero

The lady on the right is my mom. Yes, in the city, well actually somewhere in downtown Manhattan. This picture was taken last year on a trip that did for my sister’s birthday, the studium in this photograph is in the side walk of a street, in a very sunny summer day, the panoramic view in the background with the high buildings around her. I love this picture because it reminds me of one of the only moment where i get to see my mom looking this beautiful; She usually dresses very conservative at times. The punctun in this photograph is the shoes she’s wearing it was a gift I given for her birthday the year before, and that on that day she was wearing it for the first time, it really make me feel happy and appreciative. As far as the dominant impression on this picture is a warmed summer afternoon where people in the city just happen to be walking to get some fresh air and enjoying it.

Now, on the left side there’s is my beautiful son Isaac. I took this photograph couples of weeks ago, right after we have left the MoMa. It’s in the famous Rockefeller Center where the Christmas tree of New York is lighter in December. The profilmic event in this picture is that it was very windy on that day, even though it look clear,  sunny and people seems not to mind the weather. People are happy ice-skating and other tourist in the back are taking picture of the panorama. The puntum in this picture is the gold angel statue in the back. It gives me a nostalgia feeling because every time I come to this place or even if I see it in picture or postcard it reminds me of christmas, the holidays season and all the shopping spread on the Fifth Avenue.



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