Today you are going to spend some time preparing and presenting problems from Exam 1. Your exam will be returned at the end of class.


Rachel and Charlotte
Anik and Angie
Irina and Ihn

Instructions: Choose one person to be the scribe, one person to be the presenter.

  1. (10 min). Work through the provided problem as a team, with the scribe recording your work.
  2. (5 min per group). The presenter will present the problem to the class.

Scribe: As your group works to solve the problem, record the solution on the paper provided.

Presenter: Explain your solution to the class. Think about how you’re explaining (try to include “why” as well as “what”). You can call on the Scribe for assistance.

Some ideas of things you might think about in your explanation: What’s your ultimate goal? What’s your short-term goal (what’s the first step)? What’s the reason for doing that step – why did you choose to do that instead of something else? What does it accomplish? Is there anything subtle or complicated that we need to watch out for?