Answers to the previous homework, Homework 3: Algebra 2 part 1 are here:

Assignment, due Monday, 2/14/22. Complete the 12 multiple choice problems and 8 short answer problems in this document (these problems are from a past version of the Algebra II Regents exam):
- Record your answers to the 12 multiple choice problems below.
- Complete the 8 short answer problems on paper, bring them with you to class on Monday.
- Record your confidence level for each problem (including the short answer problems) below.
- Finally, use the boxes at the bottom of the form to leave a comment or question about three different problems (multiple choice or short answer).
Your grade for this assignment will be based on your participation, NOT on the number you get correct – so don’t panic if you don’t know how to do something!
Record your answers here:
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