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Exam #1 Announcement and Policies

Our first exam will take place during class next Thursday, 2/25/21.

Exam Date: Thursday 2/25/21
Exam Time: During class, 2:30-3:45pm
Where will I take the exam? You will log into our usual zoom class meeting to take the exam.
Review: The review sheet is posted here (solutions can be found following the problems on the review sheet).

As you know, distance learning has presented serious challenges (and also some benefits – e.g. you can attend class in your pajamas), one of which is the practical logistics of taking exams. I wanted to share with you some details about the structure and policies of our first exam.

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UPDATE – Please post your response to the “Discussion: Advice From the Past” on *this* site, not the Spring 2019 site

Hi everyone,

Just a quick clarification – when you respond to the Discussion question, please leave your response on this site (specifically here), and NOT on the Spring 2019 site (where you are reading the advice of others).

If you have already posted something on the Spring 2019 site, please re-post it here!

Thanks to all – let me know if this is confusing,

Prof. Reitz

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