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Survey Week 5

Hi everyone,

This survey is a followup to the survey that you took recently. I am looking at how we are spending out time in class, and thinking about alternatives. I want your input!

Please complete the survey by the end of the day tomorrow, Thursday 3/4/21. The survey is intended to be anonymous and I will not look at who submitted what (feel free to log out of OpenLab before completing the survey if you want to be guaranteed anonymity).

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Exam #1 Review CORRECTION

Hi everyone,

I’ve made a correction in the Exam #1 Review answer key. The correct answer to problem #1d is

  • 1d) $p(t)=-99.429e^{0.7t}+211.429$

(The error was in the coefficient of the exponential term).

Please let me know if you find any other mistakes!

-Prof. Reitz

Exam #1 rescheduled for Tuesday 3/2/21

Hi everyone,

As discussed in class today, the exam has been postponed until next Tuesday, 3/2.

The policies and content of the exam will remain the same.

However, one-on-one meetings will now take place next week Wed 3/3-Fri3/5. Please use this link to schedule your meeting. Those of you who already made an appointment for this Friday or Saturday, *you will need to schedule another one* for next week 3/3-3/7 (sorry about that!).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Reitz

Student Survey – Check-in and Exam #1

Hi everyone,

As we enter our fourth week of class, I’d like to check in with you about how the class is going so far. In response to student requests, I am also collecting your input on the timing of the first exam. Please complete the (optional) survey below to give me your feedback no later than Tuesday 2/23. The survey is intended to be anonymous – I won’t look at who submitted what, but feel free to log out of OpenLab before completing it to ensure absolute anonymity.

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