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Exam #1 Grades are posted

Hi everyone,

Your grades for Exam #1 are posted in the OpenLab Gradebook. Note that you have to be logged in to the OpenLab and you must have previously joined this course in order to see the Gradebook — if you are a logged-in member, you can find a link to the Gradebook in the right sidebar of the OpenLab, or under “Dashboard/OpenLab Gradebook.”

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Numerical Methods Project

Numerical methods provide a way to compute (approximate) values of solutions to differential equations, even when we cannot solve the equations exactly.  The drawback is the large number of numerical calculations required to obtain a desired value and level of precision.  In this project, you will use technology to implement the various numerical methods and use your technological solution to solve differential equations problems.

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Exam #1 update

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update – due to circumstances beyond my control, your first exam will not be returned on Tuesday this week. I know you are waiting for them – I’ll give you an update in class.


Prof. Reitz

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