Last June I also taught this same course, MAT 1272, in summer school. Just before the final exam, I gave my students the following assignment:
Imagine that you are invited to speak on the first day of MAT 1272, to give advice to entering students. Write a paragraph…describing what you would tell them.
To see the assignment and the students’ responses, follow this link.
Your assignment, due next Thursday, June 20th, is to:
- Read through ALL the responses (there are 38 of them, but some are quite short).
- Write a reply to this post (1 paragraph) responding to all of the following:
- What advice seemed most relevant to you personally? Why? (you can copy/paste a short statement, or put it in your own words)
- Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you with this course?
Extra Credit. For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have any advice? Be kind.
Hello everyone!
The following is my advice:
Always take careful notes and listen very attentively because it is very easy to get lost during lecture. Never hesitate to ask a question. Fact is, many in class may have the same question. Try to not to miss any class because once you miss a class, it will be very hard to catch up. Always do your homework because it indeed is extra practice and chances are the exams will have similar questions. The textbook has a large amount of practice questions. Go to the library and borrow the textbook to save yourself money! If you need extra help, find a tutor that can teach and help at your pace. Last but not least, email your professor if you have any questions. They do reply back.
Here’s a secret many may not know!!! Don’t want to buy a graphing calculator?
Borrow one from the library! They lend it to you for a whole day. You can even take it home 😀 That is all.
Awesome advice especially if you are on a budget.! Thanks ! Taking great notes is key. I also like that Prof. Reitz applies real life scenarios so that we can somehow remember them. Homework right after the class is key something I have failed to do because of work! Good Luck
It is defiantly true about not missing a class. I missed my first class, and the next day I was so lost, but later on I understood that I knew first day subject already, because I learned it in 1180. But missing more than one class would be a big problem for me, because lectures are very important.
Jenny, I agree with your advice that doing practice questions is important for success in this class. Also, understanding why you made a mistake is important or you’ll keep making it.
i am low on cash therfore i can not purchase the text book i will take advantage of going to library to use their text book and to borrow their calculator which will assist me in studying and having tool to use in class. I will considering going to tuitoring to get extra help because i want to do better in this class . My first grade was low and i need to score higher on next test and for someone to see what i am doing wrong. ,
Personally this response/advice hit home to me because this is why I chose to take Statistics so that I can give it my all.
rokshana parvin says : I would recommend this class in the summer for the ones who is willing to work hard and do their best. Also I think it is much easier in the summer because you only focus on one class and instead of four or five classes like you do in the fall or spring session.
I say I agree with the above student because I consider myself to be hardworking! Also engulfing yourself in one class makes better sense then taking the class in the Fall or Spring especially if you struggle with math like I do. You can stay focus and dedicated and you will get what you put in hopefully!
Reading through the responses mostly everyone mentioned they struggled with the Hypothesis. This SCARES ME DEARLY. With that being said I really need to fix my work schedule because I am unable to attend tutoring sessions which was also advised. Regardless I will focus, re-do the classwork, homework etc so that it becomes second nature and ask my friend to help me stay calm!! Carolisa =)
taking one course in the summer makes things easier and less tense
I totally agree as well.
Tutors are great(not all of them). But if you find the one that you like,it will really help you to manage subject. And when I read comments from the students about hypothesis, it scared me also.
I agree with Yarinett’s advice: “I would recommend taking this class in the summer time because there is a lot of work to remember and it is better to be focus in this class by itself rather than taking it with others. Also it is three days a week your brain is refreshed and you can remember the topics for the tests. Statistics is a class that requires a lot of studying and attention too so it is better to take alone than for example along with biology or macroeconomics.”
I agree taking statistic in the summer was the best decision I made. It is a very challenging course, but taking it in the summer gives you more time to focus on the different material, rather than taking it with other classes in the fall or spring semester. Statistic requires a lot of practice and making that extra effort to get a tutor to help you to understand the different formulas.
Yes, I agree with you. You need to stay calm, in order for you to stay focus on the topic.
Personally the most relevant advice given was from Shaniece Pollard, she said ” My prior knowledge is to always make sure you study and review everything you learn. It is important to always study what you learn, and Yes I recommend taking this class in the summer because statistics is not an easy course and you get to focus on one subject so you can do your best.
I completely agree with Ms.pollard because as for me, taking this course during the summer feels really great focusing on one subject, which gives me more time to review and get a better understanding of the statistical topics shared in class. I really believe that if I took this course during the fall or spring semester my mind wouldnt be settled into the course as much as I am now. Even though the course is a little difficult, The one thing I would say is that everyone should make sure they know about their professor and hope for the best.
On a good note professor Reitz makes this course exciting and reasonable.
I agree that it easy better take statistics over the summer, since we only focus on one subject. And also it is important to review everything before and after class.
The summer session is short but it make u more serious and focuse because u have no time to waste because u will left behind .
There are a lot of great suggestions that students from last year suggested to us. However some of them I think are more effective then another’s. I already saw some suggestions that I use now, and also would recommend to other students. But the most effective are:
1) To know basic math so it would be easier to solve problems.
It is very important to know basic math, since we do a lot of problems that needs basic calculations, for example order of operation, if someone does not know it, the problem would have incorrect answer.
2) Look up your professor.
Defiantly students have to look up their professor, and know how they teach, because during the summer, there is no time not to understand professor and put some problems aside, if student does not understands professor’s techniques.
3) Practice every day.
It is very short semester, and very little time. It would be easier on a test and before, to do a problem every day, since test are every week and no time to relax. Review everything after and before class, so it stays in the head.
I think these advices are the best tools how to manage statistics over the summer. They are easy to follow, but it will help to memorize and understand a lot of problems.
I will agree that selecting a good professor is a good advice to many students coming in.
I couldn’t agree with you more, looking up your professor is very important especially when it comes to a subject that requires a lot of detailed and intricate parts and formulas. You don’t want to waste your time with a professor who you think can teach in a way you can understand. You want to know for a fact that this professor has a good reputation of explaining and teaching in a way that allows a subject like Statistics to final make sense to you. And when you finally understand it, it s the best feeling of accomplishment and can boost your confidence.
Yes, looking up your professor is the best advice, because there are some professor out there that do not know how to teach, especially Math or Science. My friend Rosa, took Mat 1180 with Prof. Reitz and she recommended him to me, as a good prof. I think that was the best choice ever I have done, in following her advice and taking Stat in the summer, now.
I couldn’t agree with you more, looking up your professor is very important especially when it comes to a subject that requires a lot of detailed and intricate parts and formulas. You don’t want to waste your time with a professor who you think can teach in a way you can understand. You want to know for a fact that this professor has a good reputation of explaining and teaching in a way that allows a subject like Statistics to final make sense to you. And when you finally understand it, its the best feeling of accomplishment and can boost your confidence.
Varinett said June 27th, 2012:
I would recommend taking this class in the summer time because there is a lot of work to remember and it is better to be focus in this class by itself rather than taking it with others. Also it is three days a week your brain is refreshed and you can remember the topics for the tests. Statistics is a class that requires a lot of studying and attention too so it is better to take alone than for example along with biology or macroeconomics.
I agree with this method, but I also suggest that you try to find a study partner, and practice as much as possible. It is difficult when you work full-time, so try to pair up or find someone that can help with you. Thank you 🙂
I agree with this idea as well. Having many classes and a math class that requires a lot of practical work especially if its not one of your main strengths, is a lot to deal with at one time for 4 months. Having it by itself gives you the opportunity to only concentrate on this one subject instead of many and the one month period is an advantage because all the material is so close together that you really dont have a chance to forget it before an exam.
The best comment I found is by Rubina, and it is as follows:
“I would recommend taking this class in the summer because you do not have time to forget anything unlike a fall or winter semester you might forget what you learned the first month of class. You are introduced to new topics at a faster pace and not spend so much time on a single topic since the semester is very short. I like to grasp things quickly and move along and learn something new.”
I agree wholeheartedly with this statement because I, too, love to go through topics quickly. I’ve always thrived on an expedited curriculum, and become incredibly bored when things are moving at a snail’s pace. It is also very true that we have less of a chance to forget what we learned in the first class, since it’s so fresh in our minds. There is no excuse for anyone to say, “That was 4 whole weeks ago, I can’t remember what we did!”
Based on rubina’s statement, I’m not sure that I can say that there is something I can change at this point to help me do better in this course. I do know that I enjoy teaching other people and helping other people understand, though. In teaching others, I am also reinforcing my own knowledge and I can make sure they understand the topic, at well.
I agree with you Amy, sinse it is such a condensed course, it rarly leaves anytime for youto forget the material. Sinse everyday is something different and we are exposed to it everyday, it mkes it easier for us to get through the course.
The most relevant advise or response to me, it is as fallow:
Clark Monzon says: “The most important knowledge that you need in order to succeed in this class is practice. Keep practicing those tough problems and the more you work on it the less of fear you will have about that specific problem you have troubled with.”
I strongly agree. Statistic is an intense class and easy to get loss. There’s no way you can’t succeed in this class with out PRACTICING those tough problems. I realized that this class it’s not only about subtracting, adding, multiplying , and dividing. It’s also about being able to analyze. After you have those two element, you will overcome the fear of solving the problem that you don’t understand. Before I got to this class, I knew what i was getting myself into. Thus, I decided to take this class during summer. However, nobody told me that this class requires a lot of analyzing and I wish somebody would have told me. I believe taking Statistic in the summer is the best because it’s a short period of time. You can focus only in one class and you don’t tend to forget the topic easily. I know it’s a lot to catch up with, but that’s how summer classes work. If you can’t comprehend certain problem, then it’s highly recommend to go to tutoring or try to reach to classmate and friends for help. I hope I can do well in this class and wish you all the best luck!
Completely agree. you should practice as much as you can to learn and do well in class.
I agree with Carolisa practice makes perfect, if you don’t have time to practice then you are kind of defeating the purpose. I mean sometimes even though you practice you may have the wrong format or way of doing things, so it’s best to ask the professor or try to get a tutor who can help.
Practice is one of the key because most of the problem are similar and confusing, so to accustom your self with the problem you need to practice and practice. Good luck.
yarinett says:
“I would recommend taking this class in the summer time because there is a lot of work to remember and it is better to be focus in this class by itself rather than taking it with others. Also it is three days a week your brain is refreshed and you can remember the topics for the tests. Statistics is a class that requires a lot of studying and attention too so it is better to take alone than for example along with biology or macroeconomics.”
I believe it’s a good idea to take summer classes because it’s short,but intense only if you are prepared to study hard and often. Statistics can be a difficult subject during the regular semester, STAY ON TOP OF THE ASSIGNMENTS! DON’T FALL BEHIND, IT’S HARD TO CATCH UP!
Don’t get discouraged if you have no idea how to approach a problem, it happens to everyone. Just keep plugging away, it’ll come. GOOD LUCK!
The advice that seems most relevant to me is when Isak says “the most important thing is to not give up.” It is frustrating when you make many mistakes doing your homework, but do not forget that you also learn from those mistakes. To do well in class my advice is to practice a lot and do your homework. The most important thing is not to miss a class. If you have any question, do not hesitate to ask.
I agree it is really important to do the homework to get more practice of what you’ve learned in class.
I agree with you. Even though, you don’t know how to solve a problem, NEVER give up. You should always try an still you get it. It’s all about making mistake and correcting it before the test. PRACTICE PRACTICE is very important. Good effort will be pay off at the end of the semester.
Doing your home is very important because it helps you practice more and even if you get it wrong, getting help is important. the more you practice the more you become familiar with the problem and the more easy it is to pass the exam.
I agree as Well If you quit you can.t see yourself lose lol, I’m joking but the main thing is. Wheather we win or lose all of our battles makes us stronger
I agree with you. I think that missing class is bad especially during the summer session because a lot of material gets covered each class and missing a single class can leave you really confused. Never giving up is very important because the more you practice the better you will become at what your having problems with. If you are still having problems with something you should go to tutoring and ask other classmates for help. A good way to practice is to keep on doing the webwork problems until you get every question right and studying the review sheet.
One of the students mentionned that ” she would recommend taking this class in the summer time because there is a lot of work to remember and it is better to be focus in this class by itself rather than taking it with others.” Statistics is not an easy class and for someone who is not good at math, it is even harder. So taking this class during summer requires a lot of focus, practice and commitment . You have to be serious and 100% committed to do the work. I am glad that I am taking this class now and not with other crazy classes. The fact that it is three days a week makes me do a lot of practice and keep me motivated.
One of the students said that the open lab is very important and that doing the webwork help with the grades.When I cannot do the exercises, I tend to give up on them and do something else. So, from now on, I am gonna try harder to understand them and do them. Also, Prepare the review sheet thoroughly before the exam and ask for clarification if something is not clear to me. And I would say taking this class with a good professor helps, so, I cannot complain about that. So far, everything is good!
Taking the class in summer is good if that is the only class you take and having a good professor is good too. It is important to know that it is good to take it alone if you are taking it in summer because you have a lot to cover in a short period of time. All the same Good luck.
To all students I know that taking Statistics may not be the best thing on your young minds, but if you had a chance to prep yourself, the best advice I would give to you is to prep yourself for the unknown. Make sure you do a little research before stepping into each session each day. May sure that your day is organized so that you can fit study time into your schedule each day. If you find yourself falling back in Homework hurry and grab yourself a tutor who is most flexible to your schedule. Yes this course is fast pace but you can allow yourself unlimited time if you really try and put your mind into it.
The advice seemed most relevant to me is go get a tutors at the learning center. Sometime I cant go to the learning center or dont have time to go, someone suggest this website, The website have video explaining how to do math and help break it down. Also when in class, take good note so that you could use it for future reference and play close attention, because if I space out for a second, I will be complete lost.
I agree with the fact that taking good notes is a plus. When I write my notes, I go into details to remember how the problem was solved during class.
I complete understand where you are coming from when I don’t understand something I look it up online or go on youtube and watch videos. Plus the note in class and the examples I do them at home and go over everything.
There are several advantages to taking a Statistics in the summer, you have 3 classes a week and that can come in handy when you have to learn the different formulas. One thing that I must urge you to do is try to do the home work assignment the same day the lesson is taught. It allows you extra practice and prepares you when its time to take the test. Yes sometimes the work is confusing but if you are not sure of something don’t be afraid to ask questions. That is the only way you are going to learn. You can talk to your peers and they might have the same problem as yours or you can help each other. At the end of the day, you are in the class to learn and you should take advantage of all the opportunities the class has to offer. This includes office hours if you need some clarification from a professor, tutoring from the learning center, and talking to your peers that know EXACTLY how you feel because they are going through the same thing as well. A good professor helps as well, don’t be afraid to take notes and if you don’t understand something tell the professor you don’t understand. Don’t be shy, speak up. If you follow these tips you will do very well in the course. 🙂
I totally AGREE with you 100%. People should NEVER hesitate to ask if they are confuse with the material. My advice is always remember NOT TO CARE WHAT OTHERS WILL SAY, because you are responsible for your own grades not them.
A. The advice that seemed most relevant to me personally was from Omar Husain “I think the most important prior knowledge involved in this class is knowing the importance of practicing a little bit everyday. If you solve two problems on your own at home everyday you’ll know the material. Don’t cram.”
I totally agree with what he said, because this course is not as bad as you think it is. I feel like if you keep on practicing over and over again, the material gets much easier. If you ever get lost or confuse with the materials, Professor Reitz is always ready to help without any hesitations. I highly suggest that people should take advantage of that.
B. The changes I can make right now to help me with this course is NEVER wait last minute to study. If you are taking another class like me, it is tough to keep up with the materials so it is very crucial to set a strict time management. We all struggle, but I am happy that I took this course over the summer. Good luck everyone! It is almost OVER 😉
I agree with you Sophia. practice is all that is needed in this class because there is a lot to cover in a short time. Do not wait until the last minute to study too because than you will be trying to learn too much in a short time and you will become confused. Try also to find people to study with, it makes easier for you since you take more than one class. Keep trying we just have short time to finish. Good luck!!!
Most definitely, you have to study the formulas so as not to get confused. I start to study a few days before my exams so I can retain all the things I need to remember. We cover a lot in class and therefore we have to review all the notes because you don’t know what will be on the test. So start studying from Thursday until Tuesday morning.
Yes!!! That’s Right Sophia We are halfway there. Also cramming is the worst, if you cram prepare to panic during an exam. It is always good to take your time and study throughout. Prof. Is great he is always willing to help out and it is best to utilize all of the resources that you have available.
I completely agree with you because practice is key in mastering statistics. Leaving studying for the last minute is not good because if you are having trouble with a topic its too late to get help. Especially since this is a summer course it is important to have good time management and to study a bit everyday. I think that a good way to study is to do the webwork problems the same day the material was covered in class because everything is still fresh in your head and you can better the skills you learned in class. I highly recommend getting help from either professor Reitz, the tutors or a study partner if you are having problems with any topic.
The former class have several advice to the on coming student. This advice include taking the class in summer, continuous practice, knowing what to expect before entering the class, paying attention in class,Study a little at a particular time than studying a lot at the same time, Getting help from other student,peers and student center and doing your lab work and assignments etc. Of all this advice, the most important one for me is getting help from other student, peer and the student center. The class contains many things to be covered, so you might not get it all in the class so getting extra time to work will other student will help you learn more and also remember because what you solve with peers are hardly to be forgotten. Because summer is short you might need extra help from the learning center because there is alot to cover within a shorter period of time. Try to study with your peers because in that way, it will be more easy and time saving. The changes i will make now is to try to study with people and get help whenever needed. I have been doing most of others but have not really created time to work with my classmates and peers .
My advice i was giving was to take it in the summer and “practice” “practice” and “practice”. I would give the same advice, if your not comfortable with math the summer session and a good professor is perfect. What I have been lacking of is practice because I tell my self I have no time, I have to make time and not leave it all for two days. I’m really bad in math so I have started at least solving two problems a day and I see changes.
The advice that stuck out to me the most even though I read a couple of times was from Isak “…3. I think the most important is to not give up, when you got the answer wrong on wileyplus assignment or other things, even though it is frustrating. Keep trying on your own to figure your own mistake, rather then right away contacting professor, or asking the answer. You will learn better like, that when seeing your own mistakes, and plus finding it solution, even thought it will take some time and patient, but in the end it will pay off!!!….” I totally agree with this, I always try to understand all the webworks but as soon as I get something wrong sometimes I Just give up, even though I know its wrong. I wait about a day and try them again. When I do finally find the answers I ‘m always so proud of my self.
What advice seemed most relevant to you personally? Why?
The advice that I agreed with most were two things that many people commonly suggested: practicing, whether it be through the homework assignments or studying, and taking the course in the summer. I feel like with any math class the most crucial factor is practicing. If you learn how to do a problem once, it will become progressively easier as you continue to do similar problems. I also feel that taking the course during the summer keeps things fresh in your mind and allows you to understand each topic in a way that doesnt get too deep into detail.
Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you with this course?
I don’t think I would currently make any changes. I feel like I’m doing well in this course and I have no issues with the current methods. However, I do see that others struggle sometimes. And I think that one thing that could possibly help those that are having difficulties is to constantly practice the same question over and over and over again. I feel like sometimes a certain question needs to be done with the Professor more than just once in order for other people to understand it more easily or get the hang of the process.
Jennifer I agree with you 100% practice is all you can do to get a better understanding of the problem. Practice makes perfect and in certain subjects I feel like it takes a great deal of effort on some to understand the material. I’m glad that you are doing well in this course 🙂 Keep up the GREAT WORK
I agree with Yarinett’s advice: “I would recommend taking this class in the summer time because there is a lot of work to remember and it is better to be focus in this class by itself rather than taking it with others. Also it is three days a week your brain is refreshed and you can remember the topics for the tests. Statistics is a class that requires a lot of studying and attention too so it is better to take alone than for example along with biology or macroeconomics.”
Frankly, l have to agree with Yarinett’s suggestion. I took three classes along with statistics and I was overwhelm by the vast amount of time involved in the processing arriving at the correct answers. So I had to drop statistics because I was failing in the other classes and I have no regrets because I passed the classes with ‘As’ and my GPA kept solid. However, now that I am taking statistics in the summer without the added classes I feel less stress. I am more focus and engaged in class activities as well getting as much tutoring to cover all other materials. The advice that is most relevant to me is asking question when I don’t understand a topic. Secondly, read or write over the notes so that it registered in my head or mind. Thirdly when i am taking an exam read the worded sentences very, very carefully.
I agree with Yarinett too, she gave a clear idea of taking this class in summer, her point was clear. I know math is hard for me this is why i took it in summer. its really helping me.
I agree with you, Jadah and Yarinett’s advice , I am taking statistic in the summer for the same reason. I am not good in math, and I prefer to take it as a single intense class for 5 weeks than take it with 3 more classes, feeling stressful and at the same time being behind with the others classes. Last year I had to drop statistic for the same reason, it is too much for me!!!!
Read through ALL the responses (there are 38 of them, but some are quite short).
Write a reply to this post (1 paragraph) responding to all of the following:
What advice seemed most relevant to you personally? Why? (you can copy/paste a short statement, or put it in your own words)
Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you with this course?
Taking this class in summer is most relevant way of staying stress free and doing your math right. I recommend taking this class in summer because its a lot easier to focus in only one subject without worrying about any other subject. Yarinett said from june 27 “Statistics is a class that requires a lot of studying and attention too so it is better to take alone than for example along with biology or macroeconomics.” I totally agree with what she said. Its a class where you have to pay attention and practice your material for passing and getting a good grade.
I prefer taking this course in summer rather than fall or spring. Its quite a bit easier for me to put time in it and do well.
My advice for students that are about to take this course, would be to know what you are getting yourself into. Any course in the summer can be quite challeneging, especially a math course. Like anything, it does have it’s pros and cons. Yes its a short amount of time and you can get it done quickly, but it is also extremely intense and deals with a full semeter of work in a extremely short amount of time. It’s a commitment, that requires a tremedous deal with work and effort.Seconly, try to enter this course without any pre-meditated opinions on how it is going to be, despite pass experiences and opinions. It’s best to start a new course on the positive ,math can be a very scary subject, it’s easy to be intimedated by the whole concent and thus weaking your ability to learn it. Luckily this style of Math is very different than Trig or Geometry, it does involve basic Algera.It does involves one’s ability to reason a question out, to findt he proper soultion because it is highly formula based Math.The tools for you to pass this course are here at your disposal. There is a homework website,text book and Professors like Mr.Reitz that are willing and able to help you to the best of their ability. A good work ethic is needed, do not procrastinate, the work will overwhelm you. Situations in life are what you make of it, sinse you have that much power why not make the best of it?
All of the advice given were very good but the one I think was more relevant to me was the advice from Clark Monzon when he says “My advice for new students taking statistics is to make sure you have professor Reitz. If you don’t, might as well drop the class. He teaches you to solve the problem in the simple and straight forward way. Furthermore, he makes the problems less intimidating to approach.” I agree with this because this is exactly what happened with me and also something I mentioned in the first assignment. I always had problems with math and the teacher is a large factor in learning things. I always had teachers who either made math hard or just didnt care thats why doing your research and picking a professor who is a good teacher and actually teaches you is necessary. Having a professor who will work with you and wants to help can actually make a difference in teaching you a subject.
Based on the advice I would not make any changes now because I did my homework when choosing prof. Reitz and am happy I did. I am actually learning because of his teaching techniques, not only is the class interesting but also easy to understand.
A.) “In my opinion taking this course in the summer is highly recommended. We did have to cover a lot of material in a short amount of time, but the fast pace of the course is better when its the only focus as opposed to taking it with 3 other classes.I think I would not have done as well had I taken it within the fall or spring semester being that I would probably be overwhelmed with the work for this class and my other courses. If you make sure to not miss anything, ask a lot of questions to help understand it better and do all the assignments, then you shall do well in the course, Being that it would most likely be a person’s single class during the summer, this would motivate a person to do better in achieving a high score.”
A) This information seem most relevant to me because I was considering if I should’ve taken this course during a regular semester or a summer session. After much thinking and debating I Decided to take Stats during the summer.
B) Based on the advice I wouldn’t make any changes because i feel like i would’ve been overwhelmed with the stress over the courses. Taking this course in the summer allows you to put more focus in the course as was previously said. This course along with any course is more intense during the summer I would just make sure from the first day that I Have my calculator and two pencils handy.
I totally agree with you, taking Stat in the summer allows you to be more focus with this only class, rather than taking it in the Fall or the Spring, with other classes. I was also debating if to take this class during a regular semester or in the Summer. I was really running away from it, due to the challenges, I have heard from my peers. Overall, I believe we have done pretty good, and I think I may the best choice of taking this class now.
Statistic is a class of a lot of thinking and a lot of close attention. Always pay close attention to what the professors write or say. Take good notes and follow each steps very closely, because one mistake could mess up your final answer.
Never miss a class, due to its a Summer class, it goes very fast. You miss one class and you will be lost for that lesson and it starts building up for the rest of the classes and it will give you problems for the test. Always ask questions, do not persist, if you have problems with a problem.
There are many times in the class I want to ask questions but won’t because I am too worried about slowing the class up. Like many students stated it is very easy to get lost when you take this class and I know from my own experience about it. So after reading so many statements about getting behind i’m gonna take the advice of my fellow classmates and just ask whatever need to ask. Who knows I might just be asking the questions that someone else may have but like me is too scared to slow the rest of the class down.
“1. My advice starting this class, is to always to practice, that everyday, but at least 2 problems for each topic, also it is very helpful to do the Wileyplus assignment, before exam it helps to review. When preparing for exam, i do some wileyplus hw, and then review sheet it helps. 2. The challenging part will be in the end with hypotheses, because you have to pay attention to the words very carefully, and in other problems you also have to do it. Read the problem, and when you got the answer, try to read the stated question again, to make sure you satisfied it. 3. I think the most important is to not give up, when you got the answer wrong on wileyplus assignment or other things, even though it is frustrating. Keep trying on your own to figure your own mistake, rather then right away contacting professor, or asking the answer. You will learn better like, that when seeing your own mistakes, and plus finding it solution, even thought it will take some time and patient, but in the end it will pay off!!!. 4. I recommend everyone taking this course in summer, because it is not much information you learning in one day, it might seem, but after all if you keep practicing and not even spending that much time studying, and most important be on track with the class, you will succeed.”
I agree with this post complexly and I think that is relevant to me because it sums up how to be successful while completing this course. Practice is the key to mastering Statistics and one needs to practice every day even if it is for 20 minutes because it will help you understand the topics becoming covered in class. I think it is very important to do the webwork questions the same day the material was covered in class because it is still fresh in your head and you can master any part of the topic you were having difficulty with. I also think that studying the review sheet is key to doing well in this course because it gives you an idea of what you can expect on the exam and what topics you have mastered and have not mastered. One of the most important tips the author of this post gave was to never give up. Giving up never gets anyone anywhere and practice makes perfect. Just because a topic seems hard isn’t an excuse to give up; there are other recourses such as tutoring, khan academy and getting help from class mates. I’m glad im taking this course now rather than in the fall because due to the short time period, it is easier for me to retain what I learned better. I feel like during a regular semester it is a lot easier for me to forget information that I learned on the previous test.
Based on the advice, to help myself in this course I need to get help with a topic I am having trouble with and stop trying to figure it out on my own. I think that going to tutoring will not only help me understand a topic I am having trouble with, but may teach me things that will help me in other math courses. I think that I should use other sources for help such as khan academy and asking my class mates for help. I think that doing the webwork problems has helped me better understand the topics and the review sheets helped me realize what I need extra practice in.
What advice seemed most relevant to you personally? Why? (you can copy/paste a short statement, or put it in your own words)
Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you with this course?
Many advice almost have the same idea, but the one I think was more relevant to me was the advice from Klaudia Bey advice on June 19, 2013 at 8:21 pm.
Evethough this course is more intense during the summer, I personally recommend to take it during the summer because you would be focused only in one class; consequently, you could have better understanding and grade. Another advice is to take tutoring, it helps you to be on track and clear any doubt or confusion that you have. My final advice, I suggest to pay attention in class and practice all the sample problems. It had worked for me doing the homework, because the more you practice them the more you remember how to solve and identify problems.
“I would recommend taking this class in the summer time because there is a lot of work to remember and it is better to be focus in this class by itself rather than taking it with others.” This is one of the reasons that i decided to take all of my math classes, or classes that i might struggle with during the summer as opposed to the regular fall and spring semesters. It is easier for me to focus on one class and that in turn helps me grasp the concepts faster.
Statistics is not for everyone. If your major isn’t math based, or if you find math confusing, the summer session would be perfect for you. It is fast paced but you are focused on just one subject, and since it is more than just one or two days a week for an hour like in the fall and spring, you would be more immersed in the class. With statistics there are a lot of formulas, and procedures that must be followed. if you don’t understand something, you have to make it a point to get help from your professor, or your classmates because once you get behind you run the risk of having to play a constant game of catch-up.
I feel dianas advics was most important, as i was nit aware of how much information was needed to retain. Although it has been challenging , i am relieved i took it this summer with a professor who is willing to push every student.
Some advice i would give to.other students is definitely practice each and every problem. Also the day work sheet. Dont be afraid to ask questions
Good kuck new students !!!!!