OpenLab final project: Final Exam Study Guide

EDIT:  Since all the Final Exam Review problems are now spoken for, please choose a problem from Exam Review #3, problems 6-12.

List updated Thursday, May 16, 2pm to include current list of CLAIMED PROBLEMS (see the bottom of the post for the list).

Assignment (Due Thursday, May 16, 2:30pm).  Create a study guide for one problem on the final exam.  This project will take the place of all remaining OpenLab assignments (it will count for 3 assignments overall), and consists of the three tasks described below.

Your audience is your classmates and other CityTech students taking MAT 1272. 


  1. Choose a problem, and claim it by replying to this message.  Choose a problem from the final exam review sheet that you would like to work on – but do NOT choose problems #17, 21, or 26 (these will be covered in the final days of the semester).  Only one person may work on each problem, and they are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.  To claim your problem, reply to this post and include your name and the problem number you want.  Please look through the replies that have already been posted – if your problem is already taken, you must choose another.
  2. Solve the problem.  Write an explanation, in words, of each step of the problem, and then show the the results of each calculation. Include any advice you can think of that might help fellow students, for example how you knew what type of problem it was, or how you knew what to do next!
    Stuck?  Ask for help!  You are encouraged to talk to your classmates, to tutors, or to Mr. Reitz about your problem and solution.
  3. Create a new blog post with your solution. Do NOT reply to this post with your solution.  Instead, create a new blog post with your solution.  Your grade for this assignment will be based on your post.  Instructions for creating a blog post appear below.

Read the following instructions carefully and completely. 

You will create a new blog post on our OpenLab site.  You create a new blog post by logging in to the site, and clicking on the gray circle with a “+” plus sign at the very top of the screen (and selecting “Post”).  Once you have created and published a post, you can find it on the Home page of the site. You CAN make changes to a post, even after it appears on the site.

Your post should include the following:

TITLE: Study Guide for Problem # (insert your problem number here)

BODY: include the following in the body of your post

  • your name
  • the problem you chose to work on (please include the entire problem)
  • step-by-step solution, with explanations and results of each calculation

TAGS: please add the following tags to your post (using the box on the right).  1. “study guide”, 2. topic (for example “hypothesis testing”, or “probability” – there are many options, and you can include more than one), 3. plus any other tags you think are appropriate

Don’t forget to click the blue “Publish” button on the right side of the screen to make your post public.  You can also use the “Save Draft” option, which will save it without making it public (to find it later, go to the Dashboard and click “Posts” on the left side).

Feel free to post questions on the OpenLab if you have them.



CLAIMED PROBLEMS (Updated Thursday, May 16, 2:00pm):

1 Glen Moore
2 Julieann McGonigle
3 Tanzima Mursalin
4 Erica Press
5 Barbara George
6 Ram Rampersad
7 Brianna Mahoney
8 Jenny Soriano
9 Valerie Cabezas
10 America Hernandez
11 Craig Shaw
12 Anil Dipu
13 Adriana Mandelburger
14 Candice Wright
15 Anthony Marc
16 Melissa Alteon
17 xx
18 Garfield Gray
19 sessa
20 Dania Elder
21 xx
22 Zinaida Ashurova
23 Fatima Elmachatt
24 Mary Fung
25 Mohammed Ahmed
26 xx

Exam Review #3 (Problems 6-12 only)
6 Elizabeth Fitts
7 Laticia Bourne
8 Jacky Xu
12 Edward Zheng

40 thoughts on “OpenLab final project: Final Exam Study Guide

    • Hi Laticia,

      Unfortunately, Problem 24 was already claimed by Mohammed Ahmed (his response did not show up publicly as it was awaiting moderator approval, but he did submit it first). Since all the Final Exam Review problems are now spoken for, please choose a problem from Exam Review #3, problems 6-12.

      Mr. Reitz

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