Warm Up

Hello my name is Nabin Tiwari. I was born in Nepal, but then i migrated to America when I was 1 and then I Kept going to Nepal and coming to America over and over again until I was 5. That is when I stayed in America for the rest of my life with occasional visits back. I was educated in America I stared in Kindergarten, and now I’m here. The most I’ve been exposed to culture is from school and some high school friend since I don’t get out often. I am a full time student and I sometime help my parents with work but not often. I also plan on doing internships after my 3rd year, from architecture firms. My goals is to get a good job in the architecture workspace, and of course make money. That’s about all my goals.


In spite of this often discouraging situation, many teachers who cling to the traditional paradigm work very hard at teaching writing. They devote far more time than they can professionally afford to working with their students, but because they haven’t read Elbow or Bruffee they have no way of knowing that their students might benefit far more from small group meetings with each other than from the exhausting one-to-one conferences that the teachers hold. They both complain and brag about how much time they spend meticulously marking each paper, but because they haven’t read Diederich or Irmscher they don’t know that an hour spent meticulously marking every error in a paper is probably doing more harm than good. They are exhausting themselves trying to teach writing from an outmoded model, and they come to despise the job more and more because many of their students improve so little despite their time and effort.

What he is trying to say that many teachers are wasting their time because of the way that they teach. Since some students may learn from one-on-one they believe that it will be beneficial for other students to learn as well. They prioritize to much on old methods instead of new. In addition they also spent to much time going over every little detail pointing out laws, and claim that they spend so much time and students still learn so little. in doing so they don’t see that they harm a lot of students in this processes. This made think of how I was tough and agree with what was being said. When I was in class and I was in groups with other students I learned and found it to be much more engaging. While when the teacher would try to teach to me one-on-one. I would feel more annoyed then anything. This would also have helped me out because when i was praised for my grades or work I would fell more encouraged to continue. Now I find my self more disappointed because I don’t know why this method wasn’t used more. I especially fell that this should have been more common knowledge since positive reinforcement was more effect, then negative. This is common in animals, children, and any other “student”.

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