
Minhaj Uddin

African Folklore

Professor Hall

May 21st, 2019


When it comes to writing for me I feel as if the only way I can express my writing is through my emotions. I feel as if when there is a topic I can relate to or I find it interesting then I will be able to write a well-developed paper. When I write through my emotions I feel as after I finished writing there is like a relief that is taking off my back because some of the work I get assigned I don’t think about, but then I eventually realize that it was a topic that I felt very strongly about. What I feel that I don’t enjoy writing about are when I have to read a passage or an article and then I have to write a summary about what it was about. The honest truth is when I read I get distracted very easily and I have a hard time because I lose focus. I can go on and on while reading and after a while, I would notice that I do not know what is going on in the passage of the article. I feel as if in this class I was given an opportunity to write about very important topics and there were given a variety of options of topics to write about, as for a typical English class the professor would have to follow the curriculum in a certain way that would make the class boring and the students would be sleeping or would have to force themselves to go. It shouldn’t have to be like that, the professor should have to talk and have relatable topics so the students can interact with each other and have topics that they feel that they would want to talk about and the professor is still following the curriculum but she is making her students engage in the class.

I feel as if when I first started writing in the class I wasn’t as engaged in the class as I was towards the end. In the beginning when I started writing about how I changed as a person from going to being a not so well student at the beginning of my high school years to coming to college and having a different mindset and not letting anything come in between me and my education was a major change. I feel as if I realized it the most when I started to write about it. I may not realize how helpful writing is because I do not do as often, but when I do write I like to write about topics that will grab my attention. One of the major reason that I have a hard time writing is that when I hand in an assignment I do not get the grade I feel as if I deserve. That is a major problem in college and English class because there would be many times that I wouldn’t go to sleep because I am writing a paper or I put a lot of feeling and thought in to what I am writing but I still end up getting a grade that I feel that I don’t deserve and that brings down my confidence in writing. I feel as if I am not good enough in that subject.

I feel as if in this class I had enjoyed writing most of the assignments. One of the assignments that I have enjoyed was the first unit essay because I got to say a lot in my writing and I felt as if I didn’t want to stop. The passion for writing to me is when I get to write about a story in my life that I lived through or I witnessed. When I am able to write about that I feel as if I will write with a lot of feeling and passion. In that essay, I was able to do so and I was given a grade that wasn’t the best but I can live with it. There were many other units in the class that was very interesting but this is the one that I felt as if it stood out to me and many people in the class have read it and gave back well-deserved feedback that I felt that I deserved. They had also given me feedback on how I can make my writing better and I enjoy that a lot because I know I am not a perfect writer but a good writer always has room for improvement.

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