Mentor Article

Amani Nassar

English 1121

Dr. Hall

Although my mentor article was quite short, there were somethings within the article that I could use in my own writing, just with more detail. The opening of the article is what made me want to continue reading. By grabbing the readers attention from the beginning they’re more likely to continue reading and can develop the same thoughts as the writer. The details the writer of mentor article used were brief and straight to the point, but they were pretty good.  Just like the writer I want to discuss the artist in great detail about things like where they come from and how their music helps other people. The song will be my main focus since it is very important to discuss and I would like to pay particular attention to how the song “Alright” was used during many protest. The video for “Alright” is very deep in meaning and has had a great impact in which I would like to dig in more too in order to have my reader look at the song with a better understanding.  A publication like MTV has a heavy presence of people who want to know more about entertainment like TV and of course music. My intended audience will range from teenagers to young adults that go through the struggle of being categorized as a statistics when they can offer the world so much more than others may assume. Minorities in particular face a lot of police brutality, mental health issue and so on. The song “Alright” is just one of the platforms that make a  call for an urgent change in our world.

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