A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

“Where I’m From” poem

When asked where i’m from, I can’t help but to say I am from here. Where is here? I think I mean the United States, or do I mean New York. Perhaps I mean queens. 

When I am asked this question I really mean to say I’m from a small neighborhood of Hispanic people and white people divided by the 7 train. The train stop is called 46th Bliss Street. Not sure if this street is very blissful, my side of the neighborhood at least.

 I am from a small apartment building with one bedroom and 7 beings inhabiting it(if the 2 pets are included). I am from a small apartment building where the windows of the neighbors and mine face each other. I’m from a neighborhood with a lot of parties and music coming from the delis and barbershops and backyards that overlap each other. Where I’m from we have to be home by 6 p.m in the winter when the sun sets earlier or we have to deal with the alcoholics and see the sneaky dealing just down the block.

Where I’m from arguments can be heard coming from all four walls. Where i’m from it gets too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer because the land-lord doesn’t want to come and hear the complaints. Where i’m from we have delis at every corner you turn all as old as the tree that was cut down recently because of a storm. My favorite deli is where my mom works. Where i’m from music can be played as loud as you desire as long as you haven’t complained about others before. Where i’m from, 911 calls are made anonymously or soon after there’s a knock at your door and it’s not the cops. Where I’m from the echoes of gunshots and the loud tire screeching wake you up when you are just falling asleep.

1 Comment

  1. Daniella Garcia

    Oh boy, I know that feeling growing up in Brooklyn! When I moved out of Brooklyn it was hard for me because I was so used to the noise I sleep with the TV on.

    good job.

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