8/29 – Please download, read and annotate “How to Read like a Writer” https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/writingspaces2/bunn–how-to-read.pdf
After you have finished downloading, reading and annotating the chapter, please load your annotated chapter to Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQ0ODkyNzE3NTA1?cjc=yp2xzbt and respond to the reflection question under “Reflections.” Make sure you have joined our Quizlet class here: https://quizlet.com/join/NStsERJcy and practice the vocabulary words from the chapter to prepare for a vocabulary quiz.
Due Date(s)
- Due September 4
Grading Rubric
This assignment will be graded as follows:
- Your annotation – Did it sufficiently demonstrate your exchange with the writing, and did it show how you understood the text.
- Your reflection – Did you select an important question from the text and did you sufficiently explain why it is significant.
- Your knowledge of the vocabulary in the text. Were you able to point out examples of what the author described in another text?
- Resources
- (See above)
Due 9/14
- Read “The Way to Poppy Street” by
Rachida El Charni - Listen again to The Danger of a Single Story and
choose two stories to compare to this one.
3) -Listen to “Why I Keep Speaking, even ….” - Listen to “Why I Keep Speaking, even
- Complete vocabulary study on Quizlet
- Respond to questions on Google Classroom about “The Danger of a Single Story.
-Respond to Open Lab Reflection
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