Amy Journal #10

It is almost the end of the semester and the internship program as well. When I came in to the office, the supervisor asked me to go out for lunch with her. When we went in to a restaurant and sat down, she asked me about working part-time for them. At first I was very happy and surprised to hear this news, because I didn’t think I did well. But, I realized that I also have another part-time job to support myself that also wanted to hire me for full-time. I then told the supervisor that I could only work one day per week for them if they wanted me for part-time. The supervisor agreed because she knew that I have another job as well. When we got back to the office she asked me to design a huge banner. The size of the banner was so large that every time when I saved the work on Photoshop, it seemed like it took forever to save. When I was finally done with the banner, the supervisor asked me to do another poster ad that was also huge. I could not get the poster done because it was closing time, so the supervisor did the rest of it. While walking home, I thought a lot about whether I should challenge the advertising field. I remember when I haven’t start working here as an intern yet, I had a lot of fears. I started to gain some confidence after working in this company. Originally, I thought it was going to be very challenging, but the experience defeated some of my fears. I am still struggling to overcome my fears, but I am definitely very happy to take the opportunity.

One thought on “Amy Journal #10

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Amy,

    Congratulations on getting the offer to work part-time for the company. This entry is generally clear and well written. Try to more specific about describing some of your activities. What kind of banner did you design? Who or what was it for? It would also be good to show us an example.


    Professor Mason


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