Tag Archives: media

Alternative Media

Some would ask what is considered Alternative media? In definition Alternative media is considered the alternative from mainstream media such as: Zines, pamphlets, blogs, wikis etc. Anything that is published with the purposed of delivering personal opinion to a mass of people is considered Alternative Media.
At times Alternative Media can be dangerous. If someone has a strong opinion on a specific topic which isn’t necessarily ethically or morally correct and creating a blog or zine expressing that passion. It can poison the minds of the weak or young creating propaganda. Depending on the demographic of the audience that is receiving the information being produced, researching the author producing this information is highly necessary. Alternative media is open for anyones self expression and not everything you read is necessarily correct.


Free expression of media and information that cuts out the editors and the over saturated bias opinions that we see in large information news papers. web 2.0 with Wikipedia zines and other media projections have rebelled against that until they get large enough that they become what they once opposed. but with the free editorial feature that few like wiki has allows vandalism of any information that is posted on the there site. with a balloon affect of the media growing it is no saying on what level free speech will hit welcome to the new millennium where we all are editors of our own in the new free world

“The naked magazine, zine.”

The truth is what we all seek. Which brings us to the question what is the truth? Humans absorb information everyday and we filter what is logical from illogical. The idea is some of us are well more informed then others when it comes to filtering data. Our filters have a foundation created by who ever raised us. Then it is the world that we interact with that really structures our information filtering. Thomas Eland touches on this, suggesting we should question our information suppliers, and look at alternative media to be well informed. Fred Wright, gives us a history of zine always being an alternative media. People have personal ideas, they wish to voice. Zine gives us a easy opportunity to nakedly express our ideas. “Zines 101 – A Quick Guide to Zines,” is evidence to the easy process of creating and sharing your idea. In my opinion, the truth is what we believe and how long we believe it for.



Exposing The Unknown

The World Wide Web brings everything to the light due to the merging media and information that is located in many different shapes and form. In the book Media Convergence Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life. It mentions(dwyer) “on establishing a research agenda for digital media scholars’. I feel everything dealing with anything is on the web and for that single reason nothing can ever be totally private due to convergence of physical information, social networks,news reportings and daily events. I find it hard to believe that in the next 10 or so years that everything we do will be accessible to someone located anywhere near this thing we call the WORLD WIDE WEB and due to convergence one thing will  tie to the next

CONVERGENCE : the merging of distinct technologies, industries, or devices into a unified whole

Authors, audience, and media technologies.

An idea is the main point of using media. Spreading an idea has been so important, that we have created differnt outlets to carry the message.  Using one outlet at a time has been the  main way to communicate an idea. Today an idea will reach the audience through not just one, but multiple outlets. The method has changed the way an audience absorbs information. Clearly there is a growth in the way an idea is sent. Craig Mod, talks about losing part of the intimate knowlege gained by the way an audience recieves an idea from just one outlet. Where the question is asked how important is it to maintain the original ways of sending an idea. The article, “Media Covergence,” by Graham Meikle and  Sherman Young also bring raise to the question of how digital media affects the idea that is sent? The audience becoming authors and being able to interact with the idea which is able to be modified. I belive both articles are concerned on persevering an idea from the way new media technology can disrupt the integery of the idea.