Writing Process BP4

I’ve always struggled in my writing process. I continuously question my style and intelligence levels. I’ve realized writing is all about “the zoom” – meaning getting into the mentality to sit down and commit to the work. I’m not the same writer I was 5 weeks ago, primarily because 5 weeks ago I wasn’t writing nearly as much as I do now. Production of text, at long last I understand the importance of this. I had this mindset before: don’t write unless you have something good to bring to the table, no longer do I feel this way. Just write Ariel, write and the good stuff will flow. I still feel a little held back in my writing, I’m not sure what’s holding me back? I’m eager break down those walls and let it fall into something beautiful. I want my audiences to feel the soul in my words; I want to make that connect. I’m still figuring out how to do this, I know it’ll come. It’s coming. Readability, relate-ability – it’s so important.

Something I’ve discovered, good music while I write is key. Good tunes and a safe, clean, clear environment. I’ve scouted out a few spots and have discovered a couple hidden gems within my neighborhood.

The most important thing is I’m once again inspired to write. I lost it there for a long while, coming back to it now I realize how much I’ve grown. The limitations are prevalent though. My inherent eagerness to be “proactive” and “real” is a real block – I should let that go. Who cares if my style varies, isn’t that what it means to be a good writer? I just want to be clear in direction, which I need help with. I’m going to bring intensity this semester, and heat.

Bring the rain, bring the tears, bring the glory.


Versions of ethics BP3

Task at hand: present a composed statement of ethics that best represents the person I am to become in my career.

I think a break down is in order:

Ethics– as in whom I’m to become regarding to my moral compasses leading into my/(a) chosen career.

Synonyms of ethics: morals, principals, beliefs, virtues… etc.

Statement attempt #1:

Being that I am a woman of sound sentiment and intellect my morality is highly dependent upon my levels of comfort concerning my career pursuits. My performance in said career “recreation” is completely based off my ability to execute, rather make the choice of performance level.

Statement attempt #2:

I’m real good at many things. Tons of things, I could be real good at lots of jobs. My mom said I’m real nice, she said I’m totally amazing when I talk to people. I think I’d be real good at talkin’ to people, you know, like communicating with them. My major IS technical communication so, like, I think given that I can write well and my mama said I talk well my ethics are that I’m good at many things and I’ll rock at everything I do!!!! (Just kidding my mom is dead!)

Statement attempt #3:

I don’t know my ethics are. I don’t know what they’ll have to do with my next career. I could quite possibly make the choice to be completely unethical in my career, I’m sure I’d advance faster if I threw all morality out the window. An aspect of my moral compass in my current career is… basically to be as charming as possible. Are charm, wit, and the ability to thrive in fast paced environments things that pertain to ethics—one might argue they are.

I can’t do this assignment as I don’t understand the question.







The Eradication of the iPhone Manual BP2

I had absolutely no idea what a technical document was until fairly recently. According to http://www.transcom.de/transcom/en/technische-dokumentation.htm (which is where I found the best definition of technical document) “The term ‘technical documentation’ refers to different documents with product-related data and information that are used and stored for different purposes. “Different purposes” mean: Product definition and specification, design, manufacturing, quality assurance, product liability, product presentation; description of features, functions and interfaces; intended, safe and correct use; service and repair of a technical product as well as its safe disposal.” Accurate description I’d say.

An example of technical documentation would be something along the lines of a manual, although I’ll go ahead and make the observation in saying manuals will eventually be obsolete. I think breaking down a product manual is pretty easily understood.

Actually, I’d rather just support my claim in how manuals are outdated. Let’s get into it.

I am an iPhone user, as are 90% of my friends. I replace my iPhone roughly every two years; (this is common practice for most iPhone users) at time of upgrade software updates have typically been made to the new models of the phone. “User friendly” manuals are produced in order to inform clients in the workings of their new iPhone—an example of this type of manual can be found at– http://manuals.info.apple.com/MANUALS/1000/MA1565/en_US/iphone_user_guide.pdf

Please note, I did not read this manual, it’s irrelevant to me, as it would probably be to you, that is because months before new iPhone’s hit the scene detailed promotional videos come out producing informational hype about all the “cool things” the new iPhone, and it’s updated software can do. Instantly after those videos come out, forums and blog posts go up regarding iPhone hype, this process continues until the actual phone is out and ready for purchase. By the time you have the phone in your hot little hand the last thing you’re going to do is read the 184 page manual introducing you to “You’re NEW iPhone!”

iPhones are an obvious choice in why manuals are unnecessary, could I make the same argument for chainsaw manuals– probably not.




Blog post 1 (communication)

When I think of the word communication a few things come to mind, first being conversation, and styles of conversation. If we wanted to delve deeper into styles of conversation we could go into dialogue; how we communicate, word choice, sentence structure (or lack there of)—etc. I’d like to think I’ve become sensitive in the way in which I communicate, but I suppose we can never be 100% sure if people are receiving us the way we’d like to be.

I mostly live alone, so apart from internal dialogue and some minor self-mumbling not a lot of communication is happening in my home. In terms of community, mine is pretty stylized being that I live, work, and socialize primarily in Crown Heights. Good communication amongst the people I’m close to is natural, just so, easy, you don’t have to think about it—lack of tit-for-tat, leveled. I’ve come to a point in my life where small talk is mostly unnecessary, I’d rather not talk at all if it doesn’t bring some kind of conscious relevance to the table, my circle in similar in this way, so we communicate well.

Undesirable communication is everywhere. What’s the most undesirable form of communication? Being talked at versus spoken to. I get this a lot as a bartender, however it’s far more frustrating on the day-to-day when it’s not apart of my job description. We’ve all been a victim to the “talker” I’m sure you know the type, they usually show little interest in having a mutual conversation, rather they tend to dominate the word flow and much of the time they aren’t saying anything relevant to… anything.

Overall, communication is slanted from person to person. We’d probably live in a pretty peaceful world of on “way” of communication was established; the odds of this happening are slim to none.

Blog Post 1 (Blog Rant Introductions)

I think it’s safe to assume that blog writing is primarily subjective. Actually, Google’s definition of “blog” is: a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style– so yeah, subjective for sure. In terms of technical communication I don’t think it’s the healthiest form of writing to be exhibiting but I suppose it’s a good way to get ones free flowing ideas moving without fear of judgment (given you have a basic understating of sentence structure and English composition.) I’m going to go out on a limb and say that blogging should be consistent in it’s material, for example, if I’m writing a cooking blog, it’s probably not such a good idea to throw in a random blurb about social change in the middle east. Keeping up your content and being specific in your content = recipe for healthy blog writing.

I have another thought about this; I imagine blog writing should be quite expressive, considering it’s meant to be a creative way to post content about things you enjoy. The word is stylized, what is your style of writing in terms of free moving ideas? Now that I’m making the correlation perhaps “rant writing” is more prevalent to technical communication then I initially thought. HAH! Free flowing ideas, another form of therapy, AKA pushing your mental stream to places it wouldn’t have gone otherwise.

So yeah, my style of casual writing (blogging) is pretty loose. I like to be as relatable as possible, I constantly ask myself how to maintain a certain level readability and I always come back to the same answer; be clever, honest, and add distinctive levels of quirk (to anything that’s not for a professional audience.) I hope that’s what all my informal writing will amount to. Self-realizations through awkward babble– 100% in my wheelhouse!