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HLA Installation Instructions

How to install HLA on Ubuntu Linux:

1-      Download and install VirtualBox. You can find it at

2-      Download an Ubuntu Linux VirtualBox image

  1. You can find several here:
  2. Download v11.04 preferably. The latest versions are not recommended.
  3. After you download it and set it up, make sure the keyboard layout is in English (some virtual machines have it in Italian, German, etc.)

3-      Start using your new Linux Virtual Machine

4-      In your Virtual Machine, install HLA following the instruction outlined here:

Interpretation of of Installation Instructions:

  1. On Linux, go to  and save the file.
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Go to the directory where you downloaded the linux.hla.tar.gz file
  4. Execute the following command: sudo cp linux.hla.tar.gz /
  5. Enter your password if prompted
  6. Execute the following command:cd /
  7. Execute the following command: sudo gzip -d linux.hla.tar.gz
  8. Execute the following command: sudo tar xvf linux.hla.tar
  9. Execute the following command:cd ~
  10. Execute the following command:gedit .bashrc
  11. The .bashrc file will open, then append the following lines:
    export hlalib
    export hlainc
    export hlatemp
  12. Save your changes and close
  13. Execute the following command: source .bashrc
  14. Execute the following command: hla
    You should see the following message:
  15. If you do not see the previous message, close the terminal, open it again and execute the command hla.
  16. If after restarting the terminal you still have problems verify that you followed all the  installation instructions.


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