ENGL 1101: Fire, Disease, Disaster: Catastrophe and the Shaping of Public Space


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  • Assignments for Tuesday
  • #12350

    Prof. Gold

    Hi Everyone,

    As a reminder, here are your assignments for Tuesday:

    1. Join the OpenLab and this course if you haven’t already done so (!)

    2. Add your one-paragraph summaries of Jennifer Egan’s “Reading Lucy” as comments on this post: http://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/firedisease/2011/09/01/summaries-of-jennifer-egans-reading-lucy/ . Provided you submit the summary earlier enough, I will send you an email with a few summary-writing tips.

    3. For Tuesday, Read pages 1-30 of _They Say/I Say_. Please note that I would like you to buy the *2nd* edition of the book.

    4. Please begin drafting Essay #1. Remember that it is due on 9.13 — a week from next Tuesday.

    If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great weekend.

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