So just this Friday upon entering my internship for the daily routine and I begin to work on the book for the school called Touchstone. I made the job a WHOLE lot easier on myself by using the template as well as using paragraph style and being consistent with all the titles for each of the essays. It really took a lot out of me afterwards to see how much work had to be put into seeing that every word had the same emphasis as the word documents had. To search through 91 pages to make sure all the words were put correctly was something I had never done before. Thankfully, I was able to complete all the pages and adjust accordingly for the submission to the school’s approval. Afterwards, there was also revisions to be made to a previous video that one of the workers had done. The transitions weren’t smooth and the video had to work together as a cohesive unit, thankfully, I was able to complete the work in a timely fashion and finish all the work for that day as well as other tasks that were given to me. Definitely one of the most productive, yet, eye straining days. Due to all of this work I have to do, I find that I seek to get work done in the most efficient way possible as well as the fastest way possible without compromising design.