I can’t stand blogs about anything but curly hair… Does that make me weird?

“The best blogs create for their readers a sort of ‘targeted serendipity,’ … or a shared point of view and information and sources a reader perhaps did not know he or she wanted to read.” (Carroll 175) As my title may suggest, the blogs that hold anything I might be willing to throw myself into have something to do with big, natural, curly, kinky hair. For those that aren’t to familiar with too many natural hair blogs, I’ll link a few.


Curly Nikki

At one point in around 2010, there were very few people that cared to show the beauty of natural hair. As a fifteen year old with a new-found love for my own curls, I would search Google and Youtube. Although the two examples are not traditional blogs, they do follow” the three hallmarks of most good blogs.” (Carroll 179) Whenever I read a new blog the first thing I look for are regularity in posts. Bloggers that only update every so often do nothing to spark my interest.

In Chapter 4, Carroll expands on the best practices in writing on digital media. for example, “An average of 18 items are viewed before the first selection to read is made. The high number means some headlines or images are seen multiple times before a choice is made.” (Carroll 96) There are many rules and regulations to blogging but there is one question that has not been answered: How do you ever get the courage to make your first opinion known?


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