Meeting Minutes/ Agenda from Lian, Derrick, Deniel and Chris

Group 5: Chris, Deniel, Derrick, Lian

Location 1: In Class

November 19, 2014; 12:30pm-2:00pm

Location 2: Library

November 21, 2014; 4:30pm-6:45pm

Location 3: Online (Skype)

November 22, 2014; 7:25pm-8:25pm

Location 4: Online (Skype)

November 24, 2014; 11pm-12:05pm


Meeting 1:

Distributed the survey and memo to the other students of class to get their feedback about the survey.

Reviewed the survey to see what needed to be changed after the other students were finished with it.

We met with professor Belli to discuss our first draft of the survey and memo.


Meeting 2:

Discussed the survey draft from class and made corrections needed be.

Planned the groups which are going to work on the memo and survey.


Meeting 3:

Discussed what we are going to be doing for the presentation on Wednesday.

Since the memo and survey are being revised, we plan on sending it to professor Belli to get feedback of our corrections once completed.

Plans on having another meeting for Monday night to gather all information needed for presentation.

Meeting 4:

Finished gathering ideas on what we are going to be doing for the presentation.

Chose what part everyone in the group was going to be working on.