Jason, Ray, Vincent, Next Step

Our group discussed our progress so far, and we discussed the type of research which we’re going to be doing.  The next step of our project is to finalize our game: we are currently working on the third level, and we should finish the fourth level in about two weeks which is also when we’ll begin making the user’s manual.

Today we’re going to try to schedule a face to face meeting, so that we can all demo the game in its current state.  We also have to schedule someone to take minutes during the next meeting, and before the meeting we will make an agenda together.  We’ll take turns taking minutes for every meeting.  We’ll also have another synchronous online meeting between today and next week, which will mostly be devoted to gathering more sources on the topics we’re already invested in, and perhaps new ones as well (we’ll discuss it in our next meeting).  For next week’s class session we’ll have all of our sources printed out and brought to class, and we’ll also have the first three levels of our game completed.  Jason will bring a laptop so that we can demo the game.