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Journal Fourteen

I once again called in this week to say that I wouldn’t be coming in on my regular day, Tuesday, and would instead come in on Friday, when I had a bit more time.  I feel bad shortening the hours here, but it is the end of the semester, and I have an insane amount of work to do.

I am trying to code a website for this internship class, and I have to try to finish that.  The design is done, but there is a bit of code to do.  Then there is the PHP class, which has been totally confusing for me from the start.  I have to present this week and I really don’t want to up there and make a fool of myself.

I have been working with the Professor a lot on this project, and I leaned on him too much, but my lack of experience in WordPress really set me back.  I could have used a course in that before I began this new class.

I spent most of the weekend trying to get my portfolio together, not realizing that we have an extra week before we have to show it to the faculty.  And lastly, there is the JavaScript class, where I have only done the HTML, and not the JavaScript for the final.  All these classes are hard and it seems like the upper level classes are much harder, and you are just somehow expected to know all sorts of things on your own, that I don’t necessarily know.  I simply don’t have a logical mind either, which is why programming is difficult for me.  I like emotion, intuition, and sensitivity, not cold hard math facts and logic.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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